Crazy Don Kahler, Good and Evil Part

Freeborn brings us yet another installment from the Good and Evil video. “Crazy Don was the first and only GoodandEviL pro”, states Freeborn.

Quicktime or YouTube, take your pick.

This was the guy that steady rocked an bike tube over his board, and was practically snowboarding on the streets. I’m sure many of you lurks have a story or two about a run in you may have had with Don back in the day. Let’s hear it!

7 thoughts on “Crazy Don Kahler, Good and Evil Part

  1. Crazy Don is a legend! He is the one who brought hedge trimmers to LOVE park and cleared the way (literally) for new ledges to be skated and new lines to be had. If it weren’t for people like Don then Philly wouldn’t be half of what it is.

  2. firstly im curious about ben woodwards directorial credit. how does one direct a dude such as this? i can recall homies front 3’s. i also heard he took that contraption to love and got brizzoke goin for the gapper. crazy don my hat is tipped for ye.

  3. i don’t remember this guy….but i do know that bike tubes and skateboards dont’ mix….that slam was proof positive.

  4. DON! He’s a killer. Loves skateboarding more then most anyone. That footage was weak compared to what I remember him doing. He rides tube free these days. Freeborn, question, what is the deal with the Toy Machine video title, did he ask you? Did you have something to do with it?

  5. It is true, the Toy Machine video title was stolen from me. Ed Templeton later apologized. I tried to blackmail him into including the “real” goodandevil video in the DVD release of his Toy video, but he wasn’t having it.

  6. Fun like this may never be had again…Have you seen him?…I think he took off in his rickshaw…

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