newsgo check the new video clip… April 10, 2006 go over to the video page and check out the new clip i posted. 100%
newsPhoto Update… April 9, 2006 Jacob Marcinek sent me some more photos. Thanks dude. My ankle is still jacked, waiting
videoJay Bertsch FIRE April 9, 2006 just some new video footage for shout out to,,,,,
newsEmerica holla’s at haveboard! April 7, 2006 Emerica posted a haveboard site review! Ironically, I bought some Emerica’s this week. I think
newsThis Is For Real…. April 6, 2006 In the backs of Thrashers and whatnot, you see ads for these bullshit products. A
newsSkateboarding is Getting Out of Hand April 5, 2006 I wasn’t gonna say anything about Mr. Burquist or Mr. Way’s newest adventures in Circus
newsHuf’s new shoe on Adidas April 5, 2006 The Vulture has a post about racism being the new ‘cool’ thing to do. It
newsNew HaveBoard April 2, 2006 Now with color! Tell me what you think of the new layout. ‘tightened up the
newsTHE KAYO VIDEO……It’s Official…….The full review.. by Ki Realer April 2, 2006 ki posted this review on myspace, I’m reposting it here: The Rundown………… Wade Des’Armo: He