warming the bench…

Well, I went to my first pro contest, and came back with my first pro injury…..nice…I have been blessed with what doctors call a “JONES FRACTURE.” Jealous???? I didn’t think so…..

8 thoughts on “warming the bench…

  1. What’s with everybody busting their ankles lately? How’d it happen? Take some arnica. It won’t help the bone, but it will help the muscles heal.

  2. The good news is that I went to a specialist that deals primarily with pro/am skateboarders. So I was able to trade him some product to use this thing called a “bone stimulator.” It should shorten my healing time. Also, lucky for me, it is NOT my ankle at all. The ankle’s chillin. I broke the small bone that runs from my pinky toe to my ankle. Small but painful.

  3. that’s probably the raddest thing i ever heard of. a bone stimulator. everything’s been invented now

  4. haha. Not exactly. The one sends ultrasonic pulses through to the bone to stimulate the healing process. It cost over $2000 to buy it so I traded him some product just to borrow it…..Hopefully I will be back on a board sooner than later.

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