I Guess We Needed Another One.

Is it me, or does the Philadelphia area have ALOT of skateshops? I remember the days, growing up on the shore and bitching about NOT have a decent one to go to. Now, that I live in Philly, I guess I have gotten a little spoiled.

In case you have forgotten, Philadelphia USED TO BE a huge skate scene. Yeah, it’s still there, but you’d be a fool if you think it’s still cranking like it did in it’s heyday. It’s more underground if anything. You gotta search it out. No more, just cruising up to Love or City Hall, and posting up there all day. Gone.

So, with that being said, I wonder just how all these shops STILL survive? Kids are not flooding the city streets like they used too.

In case you order from CCS or live in a cave, I will update you on the list we got going now..Nocturnal, Elite, Sub Zero, Evil Empire, Skatenerd(on hiatus), LIberty Boards, (if you were around in the summertime…Tony Montgomery) and now…..Exit. They just made the transition from the Northeast to Northern Liberties.

But back to my original question? How do all these shops survive? It seems like such a struggle.

46 thoughts on “I Guess We Needed Another One.

  1. These shops don’t survive. Minnow(not skatenerd) is R.I.P. There will be no more minnow “the shop” in philly. Elite has moved into the old Minnow spot on bainbridge, and is rebranding it as Bainbridge Skate Shop.

    On another note. Exit had an opening last night that someone posted about it the comments. I deleted the totally off topic comment, emailed the poster and asked them ot send me detailed information. No reply. Sorry for having to regulate the comments here and there. I like to think of this more of an online community, instead of a message-board. I don’t really care what you say, as long as you keep it on topic.

  2. And reply to me when I contact you asking for the details again so I can make the official post. thanks.

  3. Oh, Haveboard, no lie, I never knew, nor saw that post. I don’t ride for Exit either. I used too, but I quit about two years ago. I was just posting this topic because I felt it held water and I was genuine curious about what people thought.

    I’m not hating on Exit either. They are really good people, so don’t take it the wrong way. It’s just that from what I see, Philly is not like it used to be.

    I remember when seeing packs of kids skating down the street was unavoidable. Now, I rarely EVER see kids skating down the street. AND SKATEBOARDING IS MORE POPULAR THAN EVER.

    The sad part is, I’m writing this just before I’m about the drive to the skatepark…in the mall…

    Sad..but true.

  4. FDR is as fun and busy as it ever was…
    Whitehall is always jumping.
    The under the bridge spot was always packed when that was going…

    Maybe if these shops invested a little more into skateboarding, they’d get some back. 5+ shops close to downtown and not one has an indoor mini ramp?

    If you built it they will come.

  5. Yea, that’s why I liked — as weird as it sounds — Vans in the KOP mall. They had a nice, tight mini ramp. If you knew the folks, it was no pay, no pads. They eventually let us skate whatever the hell we wanted in there. I did a switch bomb drop off their work bench, and I had a friend who frontside noseslid the retail counter. Ah, memories. The only pains in the ass were the stupid shit coming out of those TVs and the “can you do a kickflip?” kids.

  6. The Exit shop on Girard has a mini ramp? How big? Do you have to pay? I was in there a few weeks ago and didn’t see or hear anything.

  7. skateboarding isnt supposed to be easy. thats what makes philly what it is. everyone does their own thing and eventually words gets round of new spots and then shit gets blown up and the cycle continues. LOVE and city hall made shit too easy and cushy.

  8. Let me address a couple things…

    “Yeah,Northern Liberties,uh no foot traffic equals doomed from the jump off.Sorry”

    Rhawn and the Blvd = 4th Most dangerous intersection in the country and guess what… We survived for 6 years

    Girard Ave= 10000 people pushing down from Cecil and other spots in the city in the past month… over 200 people came out last night and claimed the hottest jump to date but I guess you didn’t make it out cause it wasn’t along your “foot traffic route”

  9. Second off “If you built it they will come.”…

    Well we did build it and they did come… About 20 people on both decks and 100 people watching… The craziest mini session to date. Mad shoveling, beer spilling, and we even tore down an entire bathroom wall to make the city’s biggest glory hole

  10. Jim said it best. In a city like this it’s not easy. How do skateshops survive? We don’t… We make enough money to break even but keep doing the shit we love, and dealing with people we love. You should be happy you live in a city with shops owned by people you call your boys, and not some giant corporation. Same dude who your bugging for a board is bugging you for a beer that night. Trends die hard, but this is not a trend to us I have been seeing the same true mother fuckers for years I remember when KI only ran his mouth in person not on a computer like Douggie Fucking Howser. This city never died and it never will. If your scene really depends on 2 spots you really have to check your shit. Theres alot of skateboards valeting cars KI how do you stay in business??? hatehatehate
    Ps. no you don’t have to pay to ride the mini just bring some beverages

  11. Ok, first off, I wasn’t coming at Exit as a failing shop. I was just acknowledging their being another shop in the city and how it is gonna bring something to the scene.

    Exit, from what I thought, was always La Famigia.
    Even though I quit, I still had love for the shop, and STILL DO.

    Run my mouth? Yup, I do that. ON the street, ON the computer, ON your couch, and IN your shop. That’s me, The difference between me and everyone else is, I stand up for whatever I say. I never have the need to go behind someone’s back or hide behind a silly screen name. That’s not my style. I speak it, when I feel it. Good or bad.

  12. I posted Exit on here, trying to spotlight you guys, without it being a plug directly for your shop. There WAS a picture on here. But Haveboard had to fix some bugs, so it got taken off for a minute.

    Hate? naw son. It’s all love. But take it how you want to take it. I got too much other shit going on to worry about what people think of me…

    Either way, I’m coming into the shop tomorrow, to buy a shirt. How’s THAT for hate?

  13. Once upon a time there was a skateshop called Spikes in philly. Spikes held contests and demos on the regular which helped light the spark for the philly skate scene. Modern skateshops should focus a bit more on supporting their city’s skate scene and hold more event, like sub zero did back in the 90s. It keeps shit fun and its a smart business move as well.

  14. I know this is a little off the subject but, I just have to say it…You know that spot on Girard..3 Block? It sucks. I hate that place. But I DO love the fact that Checkers is across the street. Nice.

  15. a shop with a brand new mini ramp in my neighborhood? you boys ain’t gonna be able to get rid of me.

  16. Just got done skating the Exit ramp. A little tiny, but totally fucking fun. Thanks to Steve for being cool with letting a couple complete strangers skate. Sorry about upsetting the neighbors dude.

  17. Big Brother said it best, “Arguing on websites is like winning the special Olympics… Either way you are still retarded.”

    You guys should do it old school and just fight it out. Hey, there is an idea. Focus is going to start holding boxing matches for website arguments

  18. I wasn’t the first to say that, but it’s totally true.

    But I don’t think boxing matches over arguments is really gonna help your scene. But that shit would be funny as fuck!

  19. Any skate videophiles posting?Basic “Fresh kuhdi “circa 93 til Infinity.I know its obscure but I think I’m asking the right group of people.

  20. I hope you didn’t take my post as shit talking i was just trying to clear up a few things… We all know not to take anything KI says seriously

  21. EXIT Crew: Good luck setting up shop in Philly, ignore the s@$# talk and do things the way that works for you. I cant wait to see the ramp and have a reason to be in the neighborhood.

  22. No one seemed to have any trouble getting to that bowling alley up there for the VIA deal. Work out a coupon deal with N.3rd, you know, 5 bucks off any shop/blank deck when you buy a bea’s backyard burger.

  23. the philly scene isnt going away and never will. philly is soo sick for skating i live in bucks county and love going down to the city and skating and trying to find new spots. philly is sick cause theres so many random parks that always have sick stuff to skate like that bank on the playground at girard and palmer behind the car dealership. people need to start finding/building new spots and not destroying the ones we have and share the spots with other people so everyone can enjoy it

  24. KI your a dork. arguing over the internrt is like the special olypics, even if you win your still retarded. get a life ki dizzle…

  25. special olympics/retarded arguing comment was made already.

    Thank you for being just as much of a troll as the rest of them, chris.

  26. Yeah, I’m this, I’m that…I’m all of the above..And I wouldn’t have it any other way…

  27. Yea, and you’re black, too. And tall. You’re tall, right Ki? And you’re one of Skinny’s pals, you’re always posting on Haveboard, and somehow I still have never actually met you. I get it! You’re imaginary!

  28. People get so heated when you say something they don’t like. I never came at any one or any shop. I was asking a general question. But unfortunately a few peoples “feathers” got ruffled. C’mon now. You don’t like what I said? Well contribute something better. I welcome it.

    People didn’t like the question I asked because it made them think a little…God forbid.

    It’s as valid as anything else on here. But because I asked it, I am a dork…Well, then I must be a dork then…Damn,,,,that sure stung…Everyone needs to relax. It’s only skateboarding…

  29. It is both everything and then nothing at the same time.All of my feathers have been pecked out,I am safe here.

  30. haha i love how you all get heated over the dumbest shit ever. i get what ki is sayin cuz i grew up in the n’east and the only way you got a deck back then was a long ass bus/ el trip and then a walk to sub. that shit sucked, but shane as always cool and took care of everyone back then. things change – scenes change- shops will come and go, so good luck to steve and all the other ones that are still doin it right. -heartless

  31. its only skateboarding…as your the one who starts everything on every topic……hmmmm…but its only skateboarding

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