newsMegaramp? May 27, 2008 Hiding spots? Shit’s later’d….I’d rather skate them with the homies…This shit was kinda scary, but
newsGerman Spots / Slams May 27, 2008 Those crazy Germans have so many spots but all they do is slam! Seriously, I
newsRims For Your Feet? May 27, 2008 Felix Arguelles has done it again…Teaming up with Lexani Rims, they have created a full
newsIan Reids Video May 24, 2008 “That’s all that my video is, it’s just peoples lives caught on film…” > watch
newsSkateboard Simulator! May 23, 2008 “a 20-foot-long thrill ride that allows the adventurous to simulate skateboarding by whooshing along one
newsMini Mania at Nocturnal May 22, 2008 Pretty cool, a traveling mini ramp is coming to Philly! I’m curious how Nocturnal is
galleryCheck Out Who Got a Photo Last Night! May 21, 2008 Thanks to The Other Rob Reed for shooting some pictures of me last night. It’s
newsJohn Freeborne knows skateboarding May 19, 2008 John Freeborn recently sent this link out about the history of skateboarding in video games.
newsFun Video Footage May 19, 2008 Skateboarders skateboarding in the public is rare and never spotted in magazines or videos in
newsThe Inquirer Printed a Regional Commentary Piece about Paine’s Park May 19, 2008 Go give Gregory Heller’s(urban planner and a member of the Franklin’s Paine Skatepark Fund Advisory