newsI hated school May 14, 2008 These kids make school look a lot more fun then I remember it.> watch video
news9th and Vine Barrier R.I.P. May 14, 2008 Just got word from Jon Morken that the barrier at 9th and Vine is no
news5Boro/Kinetic Skate Demo – Saturday May 17 May 14, 2008 5Boro/Kinetic Skateshop Demo/Skate Jam What: 5Boro Skateboard Team and Kinetic Skateboarding bring you another Wilmington
newsMock FDR in the making? May 14, 2008 Millford PA….skated it…It’s at a pre-school, and they even have a mini ramp INSIDE the
newsErgophobia Road Trip May 9, 2008 Check for a clip of Gary Smith and Ki’s visit to Arizona and New