First a wide view of the park.
brad floating into the afro pocket.
Awesome day. Big ups to all of those involved. Great to see a bunch of people i haven’t seen in a while. Hope to see this excitement and drive continue on.
48 thoughts on “A Couple of Pix from the Pops Park Opening.”
Hell of a turnout yesterday, probably a grom per square foot. Wasn’t trying to compete for space so I’ll wait till some other time to actually skate. Quality of the spot looked grade A, so huge props to the guys that did the excellent work. The only thing slightly negative I could see was it looked like too many obstacles were crammed into this small space… but I’ll withhol judgement till I actually skate it and see if feels as crowded as it looks.
the trainer yo!
Yeah, i went there today…there IS a whole lot of shit in one spot.Makes it kinda weird & collision heavy…but you know what…I don’t care. That place is awesome. I can’t skate it for shit.(because i only skate masonite tranny) …but i will be there learning my ass off. Thanks Jesse & crew for hooking it up.
ITS GREAT! i wonder if they r gona put those 2 ledges in a row like in the plans. would be the icing on the cake cause there is no real ledge to learn tricks on. the outer QP is amazing. everythigns perfect only other thing is the metal on that mini spine bank kinda makes the many pad hard to hit cause u gota like wallie the fat pce of metal, would be nine if u could flow over it realy easy in one part.
the ledges are coming soon. didnt have time to get them finished for the opening.
Man! I was blown away. The park is sick, the people who built it are sick, and everyone involved in turning the dream into a reality are sick too! Some really good shit..
I’ll be there Thrusday at the earliest. I’m all hurt from a couple weeks ago. I can’t wait to skate it! Thanks again to Jesse, Exit, Franklin’s Paine, and everyone else.
I can’t wait to hit it up, maybe after the hype dies down a bit.
when we ordered the metal for the mini spine the fabricator screwed up and cut the angles wrong so we had to roll with it. i know its kinda weird so we are planning to chop off a few inches. the ledges are coming, just ran out of time. i designed the park so there was a little something for everyone, tranny rippers and street heads should be able to find something they like. if not all i can say is try and build a park of this capacity in 9 months with no pay and work 30 hours at another job. Or just try and build a park. IT’s NOT easy, and i was foolish to think it would be. All i can say is that i have a new found respect for all the builders at FDR.
Maybe just smashing out the metal and smoothing over top making a roller might be best.
just a suggestion.
Epic day. Epic people. Nothing but good times. A big thank you to everyone who helped out. This project was more than just some skatepark.
great spot. super funnn. much appreesh to all involved. shit was a task and those dudes conquered like no other.
Jesse, your gonna read lots of comments on the design. It’s your first go at building a public park and it’s better then most real park builders portfolio. Just roll with it, learn from it and bask in the glory of a job well done. The Philadelphia skate scene can’t thank you enough.
is it just me or will people always find something to bitch about…
seriously. if you didnt log any work time, you should just be stoked.
Internet bitching is so hot right now. Fuck that, I’m so stoked to get down there! Havn’t had a chance to yet, but I’m amped. Pop’s and Pat Kerr Park within a week! Can’t beat that. Thanks a ton Jesse!
looks cool. as with every park ever built gotta find the right time to find the lines man!!!
Small warning to people. If you go early, be careful for invisible puddles. Shredded with Jesse & some other homies today and definitely almost died!! The white paint on the ground makes them impossible to find and the ground like an ice rink. In the words of D. Carr..”Get Buck!!”
add drains to that list!
HAHAHA..I snuck a session the night before the opening.. Off the bus from nyc, a 6 pack deep and nightime rain puddles.. It was like riding a wave.. I ate shit a few times because it was like an ice rink..Shredded on the opening and sliced my leg pretty nice.. Anyways.. good job guys.. THAT PARK IS FUCKING AWESOME in my book..DIY til u die..
Was supposed to shred it today with Haveboard & some other internet namesakes, but fatigue & laundry got the best of me. From what I have seen so far, this place is bringing kids out. We need more places like this. If YOU build get what you want. Let the city do it…well..alot of the time, you get shit. It’s gonna breathe new life into that area..I think once the city sees how much of a positive thing this is, more of these places will be a reality.
Kids will be back in school soon. :)
Checked the spot out today with Haveboard and Pucho. Pretty nice for sure, though it gets crowded quick. Early morning sessions will be required until the fall when the groms go back to school.
2/3rds water, 1/3 coca cola….should fix that slippery paint surface right quick…
7 out of 10 of the kids that have been skating pops everyday are kids who just picked up skateboarding due to the fact their neighborhood has a skatepark, and that is amazing.
Try not to get bummed on the idea of the park being packed, and bro down with these kids. Let’s teach them whats up. some serious Skateboard etiquette
i’ve said this a bunch on here already, but my brother helped build a lot of shit for that place and that makes me proud (especially of that afro bank replica!!!). we skated the park a few months ago when just the little quarters were built in the back corner and i already loved that place. im coming up next month for a proper session and i cant wait!
it was rad to see wave after wave of parents rolling up and seeing 6+ kids getting out of each car and barging in.
as Sdot said: keep it chill and educate. we were all little dudes once.
If Coca Cola can dissolve paint, imagine what it does to your stomach.
the park is great, its awesome to see how philly has a skatepark now thats free and isnt skate wave but skater made!
I loved laying the brick on this project….i have always wanted to build an afro bank replica since the first time i layed my first brick. I cant wait for the next project. Jesse and the crew made it happen and im stoked to have been such a part of a great positive project. the kids happiness is the payment for me.
enjoy all fellow skaters
Had my first roll today, wow. If you skate there is something here for you. The crowds are thick, which is tough because the park is small. The space is used really well and there are so many details that make it right. There are real plants, the right kind of metal coping, the right kind of angle iron, smooth concrete with out any lumps, some weird stuff you’ve never skated and all this tucked into a crappy little park that no one really cared about before. The park is not slippery, at least not on the trannies. The only slick is the ground which was rough and they painted it to make it roll better. It worked. It seems like if it was slick it’s already breaking in and becoming normal.
I did about -2 tricks on Afro banks before they got rid of them…time for redemption!!
George said:If Coca Cola can dissolve paint, imagine what it does to your stomach.
…on 07/28/09 at 8:45 pm
ever see what stomach acid does to coca-cola?
I skated the park for about two minutes before trashing my ankle. Awesome. The park’s totally fuckin’ killer, though. Great work, Jesse!
what are the chances of getting an additional gate or entrance in the corner across from the pizza joint? a fight broke out there tonight,
it spilled into the skate space
and really screwed up my line.
they fix that small spine yet?
Fix? Are you serious? Everything is awesome. If that spine was in west philly behind some school dorms no one would fix it, the would learn how to skate it. I hope nothing gets changed. I watched some dude olle from flat and board slide all the way around that thing and pop off the other edge into the bank. It’s also super good for smith and feeble grinds, as if I landed one yet. Its sorta like a spine flat bar. I hope nothing changes. :)
Good point, Nugget. It’s like a natural occurrence at a skatepark. I can’t wait till I’m all healed up, so I can skate this park properly.
in the future a gate is coming to the pizza joint corner.
I’m also a proponent of the small spine with the mega coping. Super fun feebles.
The flat coping on the spine was as close as we could come to creating a flat bar…if you ollie onto it from the end without the bank it is a perfect rail feature to bank….most flat bars get cut down and scraped in the city..lets see a fucker cut that one out. Im so stoked to see how many people love the park.
Yeah, he’s right about the flat bar getting jacked. People even steal sewer lids now! Shit is craze. It’s different. If it was on the street with a “no skateboarding” sign on it, people would be all over it. It’s something different…
Come on now…. you all know that spine thing is not good.
While you’re bitching, others are out getting things done.
I’d say, the park has it’s ups and downs. It’s impossible to like everything. But the positive outweighs the negative. There are a few things there I’m not necessarily a fan of, but if anything, it makes me want to figure out a new way to skate something. Turn it around and be challenged. Thats life.
There’s like real spine right behind you with metal coping and no abnormal hang ups. The street sculpture spine is rad, nothing like it in any skatepark!
I got my fingers wedged in the fence when I rolled up too far on a 50 50 on one of the quarter pipes and tried to grab the fence. Can SOMEONE please make the fence smooth for me so that when I can’t do a grind right I don’t get hurt? *joking
Hell of a turnout yesterday, probably a grom per square foot. Wasn’t trying to compete for space so I’ll wait till some other time to actually skate. Quality of the spot looked grade A, so huge props to the guys that did the excellent work. The only thing slightly negative I could see was it looked like too many obstacles were crammed into this small space… but I’ll withhol judgement till I actually skate it and see if feels as crowded as it looks.
the trainer yo!
Yeah, i went there today…there IS a whole lot of shit in one spot.Makes it kinda weird & collision heavy…but you know what…I don’t care. That place is awesome. I can’t skate it for shit.(because i only skate masonite tranny) …but i will be there learning my ass off. Thanks Jesse & crew for hooking it up.
ITS GREAT! i wonder if they r gona put those 2 ledges in a row like in the plans. would be the icing on the cake cause there is no real ledge to learn tricks on. the outer QP is amazing. everythigns perfect only other thing is the metal on that mini spine bank kinda makes the many pad hard to hit cause u gota like wallie the fat pce of metal, would be nine if u could flow over it realy easy in one part.
the ledges are coming soon. didnt have time to get them finished for the opening.
Man! I was blown away. The park is sick, the people who built it are sick, and everyone involved in turning the dream into a reality are sick too! Some really good shit..
I’ll be there Thrusday at the earliest. I’m all hurt from a couple weeks ago. I can’t wait to skate it! Thanks again to Jesse, Exit, Franklin’s Paine, and everyone else.
I can’t wait to hit it up, maybe after the hype dies down a bit.
when we ordered the metal for the mini spine the fabricator screwed up and cut the angles wrong so we had to roll with it. i know its kinda weird so we are planning to chop off a few inches. the ledges are coming, just ran out of time. i designed the park so there was a little something for everyone, tranny rippers and street heads should be able to find something they like. if not all i can say is try and build a park of this capacity in 9 months with no pay and work 30 hours at another job. Or just try and build a park. IT’s NOT easy, and i was foolish to think it would be. All i can say is that i have a new found respect for all the builders at FDR.
Maybe just smashing out the metal and smoothing over top making a roller might be best.
just a suggestion.
Epic day. Epic people. Nothing but good times. A big thank you to everyone who helped out. This project was more than just some skatepark.
great spot. super funnn. much appreesh to all involved. shit was a task and those dudes conquered like no other.
Jesse, your gonna read lots of comments on the design. It’s your first go at building a public park and it’s better then most real park builders portfolio. Just roll with it, learn from it and bask in the glory of a job well done. The Philadelphia skate scene can’t thank you enough.
is it just me or will people always find something to bitch about…
seriously. if you didnt log any work time, you should just be stoked.
Internet bitching is so hot right now. Fuck that, I’m so stoked to get down there! Havn’t had a chance to yet, but I’m amped. Pop’s and Pat Kerr Park within a week! Can’t beat that. Thanks a ton Jesse!
looks cool. as with every park ever built gotta find the right time to find the lines man!!!
Small warning to people. If you go early, be careful for invisible puddles. Shredded with Jesse & some other homies today and definitely almost died!! The white paint on the ground makes them impossible to find and the ground like an ice rink. In the words of D. Carr..”Get Buck!!”
add drains to that list!
HAHAHA..I snuck a session the night before the opening.. Off the bus from nyc, a 6 pack deep and nightime rain puddles.. It was like riding a wave.. I ate shit a few times because it was like an ice rink..Shredded on the opening and sliced my leg pretty nice.. Anyways.. good job guys.. THAT PARK IS FUCKING AWESOME in my book..DIY til u die..
Was supposed to shred it today with Haveboard & some other internet namesakes, but fatigue & laundry got the best of me. From what I have seen so far, this place is bringing kids out. We need more places like this. If YOU build get what you want. Let the city do it…well..alot of the time, you get shit. It’s gonna breathe new life into that area..I think once the city sees how much of a positive thing this is, more of these places will be a reality.
Kids will be back in school soon. :)
Checked the spot out today with Haveboard and Pucho. Pretty nice for sure, though it gets crowded quick. Early morning sessions will be required until the fall when the groms go back to school.
2/3rds water, 1/3 coca cola….should fix that slippery paint surface right quick…
um anyone want to help scout the next spot?
More pix here
Thanks to Jesse Exit Franklin’s Paine,
awesome park!
7 out of 10 of the kids that have been skating pops everyday are kids who just picked up skateboarding due to the fact their neighborhood has a skatepark, and that is amazing.
Try not to get bummed on the idea of the park being packed, and bro down with these kids. Let’s teach them whats up. some serious Skateboard etiquette
i’ve said this a bunch on here already, but my brother helped build a lot of shit for that place and that makes me proud (especially of that afro bank replica!!!). we skated the park a few months ago when just the little quarters were built in the back corner and i already loved that place. im coming up next month for a proper session and i cant wait!
it was rad to see wave after wave of parents rolling up and seeing 6+ kids getting out of each car and barging in.
as Sdot said: keep it chill and educate. we were all little dudes once.
If Coca Cola can dissolve paint, imagine what it does to your stomach.
the park is great, its awesome to see how philly has a skatepark now thats free and isnt skate wave but skater made!
I loved laying the brick on this project….i have always wanted to build an afro bank replica since the first time i layed my first brick. I cant wait for the next project. Jesse and the crew made it happen and im stoked to have been such a part of a great positive project. the kids happiness is the payment for me.
enjoy all fellow skaters
Had my first roll today, wow. If you skate there is something here for you. The crowds are thick, which is tough because the park is small. The space is used really well and there are so many details that make it right. There are real plants, the right kind of metal coping, the right kind of angle iron, smooth concrete with out any lumps, some weird stuff you’ve never skated and all this tucked into a crappy little park that no one really cared about before. The park is not slippery, at least not on the trannies. The only slick is the ground which was rough and they painted it to make it roll better. It worked. It seems like if it was slick it’s already breaking in and becoming normal.
I did about -2 tricks on Afro banks before they got rid of them…time for redemption!!
George said:If Coca Cola can dissolve paint, imagine what it does to your stomach.
…on 07/28/09 at 8:45 pm
ever see what stomach acid does to coca-cola?
I skated the park for about two minutes before trashing my ankle. Awesome. The park’s totally fuckin’ killer, though. Great work, Jesse!
what are the chances of getting an additional gate or entrance in the corner across from the pizza joint? a fight broke out there tonight,
it spilled into the skate space
and really screwed up my line.
they fix that small spine yet?
Fix? Are you serious? Everything is awesome. If that spine was in west philly behind some school dorms no one would fix it, the would learn how to skate it. I hope nothing gets changed. I watched some dude olle from flat and board slide all the way around that thing and pop off the other edge into the bank. It’s also super good for smith and feeble grinds, as if I landed one yet. Its sorta like a spine flat bar. I hope nothing changes. :)
Good point, Nugget. It’s like a natural occurrence at a skatepark. I can’t wait till I’m all healed up, so I can skate this park properly.
in the future a gate is coming to the pizza joint corner.
I’m also a proponent of the small spine with the mega coping. Super fun feebles.
The flat coping on the spine was as close as we could come to creating a flat bar…if you ollie onto it from the end without the bank it is a perfect rail feature to bank….most flat bars get cut down and scraped in the city..lets see a fucker cut that one out. Im so stoked to see how many people love the park.
Yeah, he’s right about the flat bar getting jacked. People even steal sewer lids now! Shit is craze. It’s different. If it was on the street with a “no skateboarding” sign on it, people would be all over it. It’s something different…
Come on now…. you all know that spine thing is not good.
While you’re bitching, others are out getting things done.
I’d say, the park has it’s ups and downs. It’s impossible to like everything. But the positive outweighs the negative. There are a few things there I’m not necessarily a fan of, but if anything, it makes me want to figure out a new way to skate something. Turn it around and be challenged. Thats life.
There’s like real spine right behind you with metal coping and no abnormal hang ups. The street sculpture spine is rad, nothing like it in any skatepark!
I got my fingers wedged in the fence when I rolled up too far on a 50 50 on one of the quarter pipes and tried to grab the fence. Can SOMEONE please make the fence smooth for me so that when I can’t do a grind right I don’t get hurt? *joking