Oedipus at FDR

“Against a backdrop of shipyards, highway overpasses, and the explosive graffiti imagery covering the surfaces of the park, local actors and skateboarders unite to enact the tragedy of the blind king in exile.”

September 4th, 5th and 6th.

Skating Choreography: Josh Nims

Found here

26 thoughts on “Oedipus at FDR

  1. should’ve heard quiet ryan talking shit on these dweebs. quiet ryan, who never has anything bad to say about anything. I said what’s the deal with those people and was all; “they usually come early in the day, fuck those people, they just get in the way. they’re pretentious they don’t give a shit about skateboarding. their just exploiting it.” …damn ryan

  2. Josh is a good guy, we all know him and he is skating in this performance. It is more then likely a good thing and a way to raise awareness about the park. Maybe someone can set up a stand and sell some shirts to raise funds for the new bowl. Or a whole bunch of homophobic comments on haveboard is a good way to pass the time.

  3. seriously. as lame as it sounds, josh is a good dude, and we should be trying to capitalize on shit like this to try and raise some money. is the theatre group selling food or anything down there? is it going to be weird if people went down there to sell stuff to try and raise some cash to get that bowl done?

  4. Come sell t-shirts and boards. No it will not be weird. That’s what we want. On our side, we will have a donation jar for the park. If you are serious about this, come talk to us, police will not come, we will put you on our permit. I will be at FDR sunday at 5pm and the whole week for tech and show, same time. Nice to communicate. Thanks. Manu

  5. I just heard one of the actors knocked out some teeth tryin to skate. Anyone know if this is true.

  6. Ughhhh… this shit’s gotta end. FDR is for skateboarding and sometimes bands with skateboarders in them. We all make mistakes. I took part in some bullshit once, too. Cringe…. Nugget knows what I’m talking about. These people think they’ll get the “cool” nod from skateboarding, and that will give them credibility. In actuality, the opposite happens. We all know that. Maybe the old tradition of flicking butts and throwing bottles really does need to come back. I mean, we don’t need to uphold a spotless image. It’s FDR.

  7. Trashing FDR never slowed down. I went to the last show last night. What’s crazy is how everyone is pissed on this happening. The show did not start until 8pm when the park is usually too dark to skate any how. BAM putting FDR all over MTV was way more of a problem for the park then this show will ever be. Some guy was selling FDR fund raiser shirts, and as I heard it they were selling well. The skaters there were real rude to the cast, but it only played into the theme of the show. The skate actors were heckling and cursing the actors as part of the show, so us in the back drop farting, smoking and laughing was just part of it. I left early, not big on the dialogue. But some kids really threw down as part of the performance. Now it’s back to dirty FDR.

  8. Just to clear things up, I’m not laying this on Josh. I love the dude and what he does for skateboarding. I was bitching more about the corny shit in general and the Craigslist ad in particular. But fuck the Internet, cuz I’m in Louisville right now, and we’re about to go skate.

  9. It was a great show if you like theater. We raised $500 for the new bowl between donations and t-shirts. Some skaters weren’t down with it, but most everyone was really cool and supportive. Loudini put on an awesome magic show on opening night for a crowd of over 100 and over 450 total attended the three nights that we put the show on for real. It was free, people were entertained, and we minimally disrupted the park. Only one beer bottle (and a couple of cans) was thrown into the park during the whole week of rehearsals and shows, so I guess it wasn’t so bad. :)

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