DC Freedom Plaza

Other wise known as Pulaski Park, was hitten today. I love it when the masses gather there to skate. Primarily due to the fact that if a Park Police show up, the bust factor is pretty much zero. In DC they don’t just give you a fuckin ticket and say peace. That would be to easy. Instead they snag your deck and make you appear some place ghetto and pay a fine of 75 to 50 bucks. If your Goldchain they get extra gay with you.

5 thoughts on “DC Freedom Plaza

  1. Pulaski used to be fun to skate…much like love. It’s a shame that cops apparently have so much time to waste rounding up rebel skateboarders instead of actual criminals.

  2. Check it haveboard. Since there are so many people skating Freedom at once it makes it harder for cops to target anyone by themselves. So instead of trying to chase anyone they just flick thier lights on. And thats when you walk away not run away because if you run its admiting guilt and you get a big fat bonus included with your ticket and if your really fucked they take you to jail.

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