I’m a Mess

So I got my cast this morning. It is gonna be an exciting 4 weeks. I’ll have this thing for 4 weeks. In other news, I’m having serious tooth aches from my wisdom teeth, and I’m looking into getting that shit taken casre of as well. I may be back on a board by mid-summer though, if I take it easy on this cast for the next few weeks.

Broke As A Joke

This IS some bullshit!

14 thoughts on “I’m a Mess

  1. get better soon creep. stop with soda, tobacco and coffee, they only hinder you imune system. but skin big!

  2. I appreciate all the ‘good health’ advice….but for real, the crutch action is already giving the abs a workout. I could stay in shape just moving around a few blocks a day. To and from the bus stop on crutches.

    Oh, and I’m eating a salad RIGHT NOW!

  3. Good, good. Salad’s good. Who’s that one dude who always comes to FDR with Harry Potter? He broke his arm and completely gave up soda after that.

  4. that cast ‘l be off in no time

    careful though, that foot will be as weak as a new born babe, and it will stink like one to!

  5. I am M.S. quit perpetratin. the foot stank BEFORE a cast! were gonna have to burn the couch by the time that thing comes off.

  6. Jorge said:
    Who’s that one dude who always comes to FDR with Harry Potter? He broke his arm and completely gave up soda after that.

    haha i know who ur talkin about. his name’s joe and i think he originally broke it cavemanning a 3 stair rail…
    it seems like every time i see him he’s got a full arm cast on

  7. That cast come with a knife holster and weed stash pocket? Oh, shit you should style that bitch out with a ollie guard old school style.

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