WTF is Spotcovr

That’s a really good question.

With Web 2.0 being the big hype word nowadays on the internet, websites are popping up left and right that are suppose to make life easier in some way, for the intended market. seems to be trying to be one of those new websites, which typically start with lots of hype, like a one page, “Hey, we are gonna be a website really soon, so you better sign up or you are not in the know anymore, cause when this thing drops, OMG, you better watch out.” is being birthed to the web by the people that brought you

Let me just quote some of my initial reactions to hearing about this new site:

“I dont know if Im into the spot sites”
“really, though, what makes a spot?”
“like, who the fuck defines what is a skateable spot?”
“I guarantee you there are things I like to skate that people would be like, WTF”
“most spots aren’t spots anymore once EVERYONE KNOWS ABOUT THEM”
“its bad enough skating is saturated with kids with coaches, now we are gonna give them a phone book style spot list,
hindering innovation of the not really a spot-spot”
“If it has rounded corners I will puke”
On the name: “spotcovr ala flickr, the web is getting gayr” (Ed. Note: I have nothing against flickr or homosexuals)
And as for the splash page, and the image I posted from it above: “hi, Im a background image, when I could quite easily be plain web text”
“sounds more like skatestoppers”
“spot cover”
“sounds like something to sell that goes over a spot”

Don’t we already have Even though it hasn’t been updated in years, it’s still one of the best resources out there. You can’t make a streetspot finder website, it will only make true street skating THAT much harder. Let’s here what you people have to say about this one.

15 thoughts on “WTF is Spotcovr

  1. I think it’s a dope idea. Going to a new city? Excited about skating it? Along with all your other web based planning, get some spots ready! Heck yeah, sweet, sweet interweb how I love thee.

  2. not as worthless as a website that tells you where theres some sweet garbage.

  3. Back in the naive days of 2000, there was a website called MonsterSkate. Same shit, plus an online store. You can see how well they did. What’s next, a directory of empty pools?

  4. I agree that lining stuff up ahead of time is a great idea for a road trip, but not with a resource JUST for finding spots. Research the area before you go, call the local shop, find the local website of the area you are going to and email them! Meet up and have them give you the tour of the town, or tell you where the spots are. I think skateboarders need to keep the comradery and the word of mouth thing going. Things like this make me realize that there is no longer an appreciation for walking out your door and just skating.

  5. What do you guys think about I’m trying to get feedback as to things that would be interesting to develop for this site.

    Right now, we’ve got Google maps available for most parks (if they have a physical address I can get a lat.lon. for), post comments (currently only for registered users), all kinds of feeds I’m working on.

    I added your site to my

  6. You can be sure we’re working hard in addressing the issues a lot of people raise when they hear about the idea, while at the same time solving the frustrations many skaters have.

    They’re not easily solved issues but as a skater built and operated site you can be sure it’s gonna stay true. You can’t make a streetspot finder site? Bullshit. This won’t change a thing about whatever comradery is still left in skateboarding. If anything, it will reinforce it and bring you in contact with skaters from far beyond haveboardtown, USA.

  7. I’m not a people person at all and I like to have a loose plan of action when going out of town to skate in order to maximize my skate time. So this site could be a good resource for someone like me. On the other hand I have always liked how skateboarding is somewhat of a global community where if some out of towners show up you take them around then maybe get their number so you can go check out their town and have them show you their spots.

  8. I absolutely hate the fuckin term “Web 2.0”. Great marketing term/ploy for some idiots that don’t know any better though.

    As far as the spot finder thing goes I agree with most of the points made. But at the same time it could be cool. Guess we’ll just have to wait and see what pans out.

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