I finally got the jimmy gorecki interview done[MP3]. First person to email me a transcribed version, will get a Haveboard TShirt. (haveboard at gmail dot com)
I know it took forever (march 2006) but I’m satisfied, even though we didn’t get any photos of him skating. I did run in to Yourgelite at FDR. He is a topic in the interview somewhere.
Thanks again to Jimmy for giving me the opportunity to put it out there. Now go buy the ice cream DVD.
UPDATE: Check the new Sequence and Watch his Ice Cream DVD part.
Jimmy likes sneakers
And I don’t know why he looks faded. This was pre-partying
Jimmy Gorecki…
…had all the answers.
I don’t realy like hearing my voice
and I had to edit out a bunch of um’s and stuff from the interview.
I read questions
I’m looking a little out of shape here, I know.
Finally…It took you HOW long to get that shit done? You could have brought a sweet potatoe pie to the Mayor’s house and gotten an interview with him quicker than that took
If you buy me a big sack of coke, i’ll sit down and transcribe it, but otherwise my A-D-D is gonna whoop some ass.
Nice work! I like how “93” came up like a bazillion times…and sweatpants…classic.