is your skate videography source

Skate Perception is an excellent resource for all your videographer needs.

They too recently were hacked. I got this email just before I relaunched as well, and I comlpetely slacked on posting it.

SP went through a haggard month of hacks and server changes, we just bounced back from 9 days of downtime and it’s all systems go now. This is just a friendly reminder from the nerds at We’re now on a freshly reloaded server in a whole new location feeding off Tier 1 bandwidth (pretty nerdy, in lamens terms that means fast). Many many things in store for the future.

Also be sure to check out the SP Mega Hustle Store
It’s like going to B&H but we just weeded out the crap, Plus with the security and support of Amazon.

Steve & Mike

So yea, 9 days downtime. Maybe one day haveboard will have that type of commitment. What, I was down, 2 months? October and November. Damn.

Gonzo has been getting info about his camera, as he has the japanese version, so he isn’t sure what all the buttons say.

Goldchain got in touch with a VX specialist that apparently is hooking it up b/c he found him through skateperception, and bumped it ahead of his other stuff to look at his as soon as he shipped it to him.

Sorry for the late shout, but welcome back to the internet, skateperception.

(check skatenerd for a really funny quote I found over at SP)

4 thoughts on “ is your skate videography source

  1. yeah — skate perception rules. they have a page that has the translation for the japanese camera’s menus, but it would rule if i could change the software so the display and menus ect would be in english. has anyone heard about anything like that happening?

  2. I wish there was a site like SP for life in general…lifeperception. It would be so helpful, but seriously every single question I ever had about my camera, settings, fisheye…etc. they had the remedy there in the forums. Some dumb kids asking really dumb questions sometimes, but what skate related forum dosen’t…right? Good shit yo.

    In sad news, is gone…sorry KI! But most those videos are on Google…

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