Andrew Cannons One Fine Day

Andrew Cannon Presents, One Fine Day.
Starring: Andrew Cannon,Ron Gordon, Matt Montalvo and more….

8 thoughts on “Andrew Cannons One Fine Day

  1. I like those dudes a lot, but friends don’t let friends skate Boarderline. Still, Andrew and Ronnie are two rad motherfuckers.

  2. Borderline is a fun ass park. Jorge, why you gotta hate so much. Aren’t you all peace love and hippie?


    I think its the worst idea ever to use skatelite in doors. Am i the only one who thinks this? Its reminds me of running around in my socks at the mc donalds playground, down the slide and into the ball pit! I went to borderline only 1 time. It looked great! Then I dropped in on the mini only to be laying on my back on the flat bottom. I hear you have to mop it every day to prevent it from being a plastic slip mess. I would wrather sheet a park in wood that has to be replaced in certain spots every few months. Remember skateparks before plastic?

  4. Franklin mills mall park is the same shit. The denver park is all red rock and that stuff is just as slippery, if not more. If you skate it all the time, you get use to it.

  5. I ride Darkstar’s at Borderline, and it’s soooo slick. Yeah, Woodward Park is slick too, but not as bad. You just learn to adapt. That’s all. If you land straight, it’s all good. Keeps you on point.

  6. I never land straight. In fact, I’m always twisting and turning, pumping back and forth for speed. I even ride 92a wheels, and I slide all over that place! The park has no lines. None. Go back and forth, that’s it. You’ve got that nice eight foot waterfall which leads you to nothing. Its sole purpose is to get speed for that euro gap. And the worst part of all, I never learned to read! No, the worst part is how they only want you to skate “certain ways.” I was doing this bomb drop from the top of that tight-ass quarter, into the blue bank on the other side. The fucking owner came out and told me I had to stop! What kind of lame-ass shit is that? I’m all about us getting along and loving one another, but I give this place no love.

  7. Boarderline is a super fun park, just flying around and that wall ride quarter pipe thing is super fun and slippery! Slippery, Sticky, or Perfect its skateboarding and its always fun. Skatelite, Wood, Concrete, Plastic, Brick, Stone, whatever…ADAPT and make it what you want to!

    And how about that Andrew Cannon – Thats skateboarding – Having the most fun out there!

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