So, the skatepark topic turned into, how much does haveboard weigh, and I earned yet another nickname: the HUSKA!
I definitely splurged this past weekend and put everything I shouldn’t have inside my body. I recognize this. I am still trying to lose the 30 or so pounds I put on from the fractured ankle incident. I’ve been up to 225 before, and dropped back down to a more ideal weight of 185/190. I’ve done it before, and I can do it again. I have definitely lost a good 10 pounds in recent months, and I’m definitely taking better care of myself.
This is my lunch today. A light salad and some soup.
This seems totally unrelated to skateboarding, but it isn’t. The better you take care of your body, the better your body will work. This also is a major factor in the longevity of your skateboarding career, whether you are skating for fun, or professionally.
If I’m still literally “The HUSKA” come spring, you all can officially ridicule me and preach whatever you want. I’m claiming it here, come april/may, haveboard at A Buck Eighty-five. Yeah I said it! I am not scared.
I broke my foot in May and I got on the Rocky program. Once I got a walking cast, I worked it so hard, I wore clear though the cast. I dropped 9 pounds instead of gaining weight. It was hard to be motivated, having a cast on for almost 4 months. But I knew if I didn’t stay on top of things, it would be way harder for me to get back in the game…
Trust me, riding a mountain bike with a walking cast on is fucking aweful. But I did what I had to do.
Haveboard IS right, you gotta take care of your body so you can have some longevity….no matter what status of the game you are.
Cheers to you Haveboard!!
Stay fat. Chicks dig it.
For the record, I had to still work full time, and I sit behind a computer. My doctor also wasn’t motivated to help me get back on a skateboard. He basicly preached to me that I was too old to be skateboarding.
Ki had the opportunity to move back in with his mom(not knocking it, just saying) and take the time to concentrate on NOTHING but rehab. I’m not dissing that, I’m completely jealous. I WISH I could have moved into someplace, not work, and concentrate on nothing but healing and keeping in shape.
I could have moved back in with my mom all the way back in buffalo, but then I would have lost the full time job AND the health insurance that was keeping me cared for.
yeah, I run, for real, when its not snowing, so I can skate better. I read about that in a jason carney interview, he was pro once, for maple, with the donger.
Yeah, I WAS lucky and blessed to be able to do that. I saw a specialst that strictly dealt with skateboarders, snowboarders etc, so he was ademate on getting me back on a board. I also had a physical therapist who was super hard on me as well. And if it wasn’t for the Beck famliy and my mother, I wouldn’t have been able to survive.
When I moved back home, I was even luckier to get a job on the beach where all I had to do was sit with my leg up and watch pretty girls try on bikinis. Nice.
Rehab was really hard, but I stuck with it. I stayed on a strict diet and ate more vitamins then I cared to remember. Bone stimulators and physical therapy was necessary to even be able to walk again without a cast, let alone skate.
Haveboard, the fact that you are back on board, is a feet (no pun intended) all in itself. Getting hurt was a humbling experience and made me appreciate my body and skating so much more.
“Skateboarding is a marathon…not a race. You will be back to 100% in no time.”
feat (noun)
1. a noteworthy or extraordinary act or achievement, usually displaying boldness, skill, etc.: Arranging the treaty was a diplomatic feat.
2. Obsolete. a specialized skill; profession.
feet (noun)
1. a pl. of foot.
showing your lunch Before it hits the sidewalk! flip da scrip homie! hahaha! jokes. i heard huf skates with ankle weights so when he takes them off its like whoa. youre kinda doing the same thing. that hydrant isnt gonna know what just ollied over it! im gonna be like mickey and shout at you while you chase a rooster around!
115 lbs.215 lbs.5 lbs lighter than I was estimating.
i am on that diet….i went the opposite way when I broke thee ole leg, and just drank, smoked…and even took up cigs again….i used to show at therapy smellin like alcohol and get punished…
gained like 25 dude, and felt fat as fuck trying to get off the ground at the park…
easiest way to lose weight….stop drinking….
I never drank or smoked a day in my life, so I guess I lucked out in that department.
It’s all about will and determination. The whole ankle weight thing is not that great of an idea either. It pulls at your knee joints and can eventually cause more harm than good.
If you want to improve your pop a little bit, you can try Strength Shoes. They worked for me a bunch. It has the front of the shoe raised so you can’t put your heels down and have to walk on your toes more. Your calves get strong like a kickboxer…
Or, go the old fashioned way and just do them (ollies) more.
John,115?Cue the afterschool special music.
is that how much the scale weighs? cause i know you aint a buck fiteen son! you mean 215? reprezent that 215! whooo!! ki, i love that you wear those basketball training super high jump shoes that get advertised in the source. what if you just wear a backpack filled with beer and fried chicken? that might be more realistic too! i am such a jerk. jon you are the best! im down to go to the gym with you homie. making food at home is also a good way to save money and eat less crap.
Wow, posting from the sidekick and my fat ass huska fingers results in typos. I fixed it, thanks for noticing.
Two One Five…HOLLA!
Stein, that was hilarious! Trudging threw the snow for 45 minutes was this morning’s workout.
I also cut down drastically on the amount of sugar in my coffee this AM and it isn’t all that bad. I could get use to it.
Gonzo is avoiding this topic because he doesn’t want to “put me on blast” even though I’m totally ASKING FOR IT.
He mentioned yesterday about cutting out sugar completely from the diet, which makes total sense.
I’m also diluting my vitamin water with regular water. I’m not ready to switch over to water only just yet.
I like to fill my backpack with purple stuff, just in case i get a little thirsty during my workout. I am also down to 209lbs. since I got back on my board. I went from having a keg to a six pack…Holla!
Oh, and I used to like Chris Fissel!!! Mad Circle son!!! That team was the shit!!
I don’t know how this topic slipped past me, since cooking, gardening, diet, and organics and all that shit are one of my passions. You want a real easy way to lose a few pounds? Eat grapefruit. There’s actually a fat-burning enzyme in grapefruit. Why the hell do they call them grapefruit? Aren’t grapes grapefruit? I digress. Water is key. 64 oz or more a day. Do some yoga in the morning. Eat lots of raw, organic veggies, and stay away from fast food! Oh, while you’re at it, stay away from anything with high fructose corn syrup. That shit’s actually designed with the intention of making a person fat. I’m dead serious.
do it havboard! good shit.
I peel the skin off my Popeye’s…gotta cut corners son!!
water only, yo. huska hammers.
Fat, thin, what ever. This post is amazing, a bunch of old guys (me included) talking about ways to loose weight. I have heard from a few people about the Lemon Diet:
and here:
Its a good way to quite smoking, drinking, get off drugs and loose lots of weight.
Did you know that eating fruit alone before noon is good for you? And if you mix fruit with other food it can spoil in your stomach? Check out how to diet with fruit!
Hasn’t always had an underlying adgenda to educate the young bucks skateboarding?
I know if I was a young kid reading this, I’d take note. I WISH I read more shit like this when I was a kid. Maybe I would have gotten into a better habit of taking care of myself. (Not to say I’m a complete waste) I’m still up for a game of s.k.a.t.e. with whomever.
All in good fun! I’m a little rusty on the flip tricks though. I still have a few more to re-learn.