Trainer Brad dropped me off a tape that was deemed unplayable to me a few months back.
I attempted to play it in numerous cameras, and was getting the same results, as if the tape was being eaten. Fortunately for Brad (Unfortunately for me and my time management), I am always up for a challenge and do not give up so easily.
Brad asked me for the tape back quite a few times over the past two months, and I kept pleading with him to give me just a few more tries.
Sunday afternoon, while doing my laundry, I decide to rewind the tape entirely, fast-forward to the end, then rewound again. I then popped it into my new lil mini DV camera ($250value, shoots really crappy, but works just fine as a deck), launched iMovie, and clicked import.
To my surprise, the tape started importing beautifully. I chose to leave the machine completely alone, so as not to disrupt the process.
So, after 2 years of waiting, Brad, Scott, and Nick finally had the opportunity to see the 30minutes of raw footage they had one of the locals film while they were at Orcas Island. I’ll be editing it down for a haveboard video as soon as I get around to it (You all know how THAT goes). HaveBoard, if it ain’t a throwback, it’s wack!
Check the new video clip with Phil Jackson at FDR if you are bored. That is an old clip as well, shot by GONZO, Master Filmer!
Orcas Ouch
The audio on this clip is by far, the best. You’ll have to wait and see.