Good And Evil

14 thoughts on “Good And Evil

  1. That mini ramp looked super good.

    What a letdown that part 3 was straight up freestyle.

  2. I hope there never comes a day whan someone says “What a letdown that part x was straight up STREET.”

  3. Style is timeless. As long as something’s done with style, it’s here to stay.

  4. I bet it’s safe to say that an era like the late 80’s – early 90’s will never happen in skateboarding again. So much progression happening at one time it’s insane. If you missed out on it, I feel bad for ya. It was one hell of an era to call your self a skateboarder.

  5. I disagree — strongly, at that! We’re in the middle of a skateboarding renaissance. Look at places like FDR and the soon-to-be Paine Park. And for skateboarding itself, look at people like Louie Barletta, Jerry Hsu, Daewon Song, Chris Haslam, and the entire goddamn Traffic team. Christ, that Traffic video just blew me away!

  6. Jorge, I’m not sure what exactly you are disagreeing with?

    late 80’s / early 90’s skateboarding will NEVER happen again. partly due to the fact that if you even tried, you’d be living in the past.

    just because you call this a “skateboarding renaissance”, doesn’t make it at all like things were during the era in question.

    ’93 till infinity…holla

  7. Jorge, I know what you mean. I sure don’t mean to diss. I just know how important that time was.

  8. Also , most of the skaters you listed were already killing it during the time in question, so they know too.

  9. What I’m saying, is the innovation is happening again. I remember too, but it was only a vague awareness. I started skating in 1990. I remember having conversations with friends, discussing things like “nose ollies” (which I thought was an ollie with the board turned backwards) and “those new boards the pros ride, with a kick on both ends.” When I was three or four, our next door neighbor had an 80’s-assed vert ramp. I saw Rubbish Heap in 90 or 91, and I knew something was very different than it was in 86. Alright, three posts in one day is enough. To counter this nerdiness, I’m going to a drum and bass party tonight. Hmm, that didn’t work.

  10. you can’t be what you were. so you’d better start being just what you are. the time is now.

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