DJ PSKI showed me this video from the whitehall skatejam. Looks like everyone had a good time. The video was put to gether by SFKD8R on YOUTUBE. He has a bunch of other videos up, too taht you should check out while you are bored.
I spent my Saturday wishing Metal and Phoebe off to NYC. They had an awesome little bbq and then we hit up the private facility for some Saturday evening shralping. shralping, what a great word.
Nice ender.
Ender is Tore Bevino…..Kid kills it.
haha yo thanks for puttin my video up. yeah tore is amazing. everyone will see soon enough
Wow tore teared that shizz up i was the one that was going wacky off energy drinks dancing and saying stuff after tore’s tricks! nose manny was a werid one lol but its 100% pure Fabian checo for you;.. big ups to Brian P. for filming everything
wow im real pissed i missed this shit. Good job on the video penny, people should defiantley check out the other videos he ahs on youtube they are ill (especially the promo).