5 thoughts on “We need satellite skatespots across the city”
awesome. while involved with FP and just in general i have always pushed for satellite spots around the city. a bench or ledge at rec centers/parks thru out. people always laughed at me and never supported pushing the idea due to the larger fights. skateboarding is in the neighborhoods and should be supported there first and then moved into center city. fishtown is a good place to start cos there are alot of kids there and south philly too around noc. the rizzo rink and the roller hockey rink are great starting spots that are not used like in the past. but who is going to step out of the hum glum of the bitchy philly skate scene and actually step up and do something. talk – action = shite
I skated those kids’ ramp last week. They are out there all day, every day.
Jim, who was against satellite spots? Those ideas have been around since before love was ever shut down. FP is working hard at one major project in addition to some part time work with FDR. That’s enough for one group. Action is tough, its a lot of work. Getting people organized and keeping them informed is tough. This is a great story and shows progress that the city even gave back the ramps. We all have to keep building, keep running and keep supporting it. To just say that you had an idea and no one listened to you is sorta leaving a lot out. Under bridge spot got torn out a few weeks ago and within days new ledges were built, which are there right now. We gotta keep at it… No harsh vibe, all love.
Satellite spots are comin’. The more people who get involved, the sooner we’ll have them. Much love and respect to anybody who makes shit happen.
they are opening a new rec in the northeast by bustleton and castor, they have soooooooooooooooooooo much room yet they dont build a park, nothing so if i do want to skate a park its like oh i gotta take the bus to the term and skate down bridge to whitehall etc, and everyone knows how whitehall gets at night or if you are there alone, so its either im at whitehall or im downtown basically. the city doesnt recognize skateboarding as being positive yet when they are able to exploit it (i.e- the xgames) they cant put even a percent of that money back into skateboarding yet im sure alot of that money went into shutting love.
awesome. while involved with FP and just in general i have always pushed for satellite spots around the city. a bench or ledge at rec centers/parks thru out. people always laughed at me and never supported pushing the idea due to the larger fights. skateboarding is in the neighborhoods and should be supported there first and then moved into center city. fishtown is a good place to start cos there are alot of kids there and south philly too around noc. the rizzo rink and the roller hockey rink are great starting spots that are not used like in the past. but who is going to step out of the hum glum of the bitchy philly skate scene and actually step up and do something. talk – action = shite
I skated those kids’ ramp last week. They are out there all day, every day.
Jim, who was against satellite spots? Those ideas have been around since before love was ever shut down. FP is working hard at one major project in addition to some part time work with FDR. That’s enough for one group. Action is tough, its a lot of work. Getting people organized and keeping them informed is tough. This is a great story and shows progress that the city even gave back the ramps. We all have to keep building, keep running and keep supporting it. To just say that you had an idea and no one listened to you is sorta leaving a lot out. Under bridge spot got torn out a few weeks ago and within days new ledges were built, which are there right now. We gotta keep at it… No harsh vibe, all love.
Satellite spots are comin’. The more people who get involved, the sooner we’ll have them. Much love and respect to anybody who makes shit happen.
they are opening a new rec in the northeast by bustleton and castor, they have soooooooooooooooooooo much room yet they dont build a park, nothing so if i do want to skate a park its like oh i gotta take the bus to the term and skate down bridge to whitehall etc, and everyone knows how whitehall gets at night or if you are there alone, so its either im at whitehall or im downtown basically. the city doesnt recognize skateboarding as being positive yet when they are able to exploit it (i.e- the xgames) they cant put even a percent of that money back into skateboarding yet im sure alot of that money went into shutting love.