Focus Skate Show – 1 week away


1 week from today we will be through day 1 of the Focus show. I’m getting really psyched. I ordered my first ever order of ACTUAL VINYL STICKERS from Pedal Printing in Buffalo, NY and will be picking them up tomorrow AM before heading back to Philly. Did you hear that, actual STICKERS!

As we previously reported, we will be shooting video from the event and streaming it live on this here interwebsite. We will be using Livestream to broadcast the show as much as possible during the entire event on Monday and Tuesday. I’ve never done anything like this, so tune in as it will either be completely ridiculous or completely awesome. Regardless, it will be entertaining (hopefully).

A few confirmed companies that have booths at the show include: Kayo Corp, Deluxe Dist., South Shore Dist., Ipath & World Industries. Check out the full list of exhibitors here.


Fuel TV will also be coming out to cover the event in case you want some more professional coverage. I don’t think they are doing any live coverage though, so you can get a recap from them if my live coverage doesn’t do it for you.

Are you registered to attend? You DO know that it’s FREE, right? Do you have a company or shop and need a booth? That isn’t free, but is totally affordable.

Check back here for updates all week as well as Focus (like this update) because time is winding down and the show will be here before we all know it.

3 thoughts on “Focus Skate Show – 1 week away

  1. any skating going on?

    can skaters like me get some skate in ?
    or is it just watching team sponsored guys shred ?

  2. Yeah, there is skating going down.

    Monday is just team guys shredding followed by the Stay Focused premiere.

    Tuesday at 5 the ramp will be open to everyone and the high ollie contest is going down, which is also open to all.

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