Bum Rush the Spot at FDR recap

Photo’s and videos have finally surfaced from Bum Rush the Spot at FDR. It was an awesome day with awesome people. It was great to see so many friends old and new. I don’t think I’ve been that hyped on a session/event in a long time!

The official video shot by Vern Laird & Joe Buleo for Joel Meinholz is below:

ExplotationVM has a video up shot by Marcus from Skatejawn.


The official photo set from The Bum Rush Facebook page can be found behind this link.

I’d also like to thank Victoria Blithe for sending over her link to the photos she shot as well as Anthony Santoro for his photo set which is where the above photo of Phil Jackson came from. Phil skated all day with a huge chunk of his tail missing but you wouldn’t have known it by the way he skated all day.

Thanks again to Joel & everyone else involved in throwing Bum Rush the Spot at FDR and to everyone who posted photos and videos. If there are more videos or pictures, send them over or link them in the comments.

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