FDR Donations Needed


If you cannot donate your time or your blood and sweat, but would still like to donate $$$ to go towards FDR park, you can do so over on the right-hand side of the page. I will be shouting out whoever donates and what they donated, unless you dont want me to, but you can be sure that the $$ will make its way to the hands of those heading up the building effort!

less talk, more action

72 thoughts on “FDR Donations Needed

  1. from Brad: Scum Skateboards is in the works to print a board for FDR True Love collective is also down to print 100 boards and donate the proceeds. A philly based artist is doing the artwork We should expect to raise a few thousand dollars from each. We are putting together a letter package which asks for material donations as well as cash. It will be emailable and in print format. Lowes and Home Depot have been hooking us up over the past week. Shirts are also on the way. Come help build our park, and donate! We will be pouring on Friday and having a huge pour on Saturday, which will finish the corner of the new bowl. We need; Portland Cinder Blocks Tires of all sizes Sand Rocks Old Refrigerators Rebar/Fence Beer Pizza Lime Spread the word! Speed….more speed – FDR

  2. Nice Brad! Lets go get us some boards from the wharehouse. Sweatpants! I think the names of the people putting in the work is more inportant than who donates cash…………… Unless its alot of cash!

  3. I have a refrigerator that I am going to throw away next week anyway. If you guys need it for something, have someone send me a message. Ed and Nugget both have my telephone number. I live pretty close to FDR too. I just a little help getting out of the house and some kind of vehicle to put it into.

  4. I need gas money for my truck. Been doin water and Home Depot runs alot. Also need a life. hahaha

  5. cmon guys.. the pay pal link is super easy. put in 20 bucks, put in 50 bucks… you skate the park and you know it

  6. Thanks to Haveboard, Skatenerd, Gonzo and Kinetic Skateshop we have $780! 4 people did this, where are all you other lurkers who I see at the park! Get to it! donate now

  7. Uh, what happened to the street park by art museum.The element that inhabits that area is by far the closest thing to CHUD Philadelphia has going.The coming soon sign is insulting.

  8. I wish I could donate money, but I have a lil’ crisis going on now. Some time this week, I’ll be up at the Park to donate labour.

  9. Thanks to Robert from Tattooed Mom for another huge donation to FDR! The park is lookin good.

  10. Most people probably aren’t too psyched to give money to build a huge vert bowl that they can barely do kickturns on.

  11. Me too, get the sand out of your vagina. What do you think your gonna skate when your an old man? handrails?? come on ….think about your future.

  12. I gotta agree with Eric. When I’m an old man I’ll skate a mini-ramp. Until then I’ll skate what I have fun skating…which is anything other than FDR.

  13. The river street park is all smoke and mirrors.Fancy political parlor tricks to erect a coming soon sign for all the paedophiles and crackheads to look at.The city will always be split between people who want to grind oververt and people who don’t.It’s fun to watch but theres another way.

  14. This is a good opportunity for me to shine light on one of the biggest recent failures of the philadelphia skateboard community. What’s up with the public park that just got renovated at 6th and Race? Why was there a fuckin CIRCUS CAROSEL installed in there? All we (the skaters) need is a marble bench, and some smooth ground. Anyway, all i’m saying is we don’t always need a full on skate plaza. Sometimes we just need a bench, or a ledge. That’s it and nothing else. I think it really sucks that not even a damn fuckin curb was built into that new race street park. Why does there have to be a team of architechts and designers and bullshit in order for a ledge to get built?

  15. PS — the 6th & race rennovation only took a few weeks to complete, and the skate plaza / spot at schukyll river is into it’s 6th year of planning with no definitive deadline for completion. As far as i know it (SRSP) still doesn’t have funding. Cost of a full plaza — umpteen millions. cost of a granite ledge — probably less than 1000. of course that’s all speculation.

  16. I have to sympathize with Gonzo. As much as I not interested in a skate plaza in the least, it is really a bummer that its not further along. Especially for as much time and work so many have put in. This is the internet, so to be clear, I am being sincere. Philadelphia needs extra beat cops, not merry go rounds.

  17. Merry go rounds make me feel comfortable and loved even admist an absurd rising murder rate. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

  18. You are damned if you do and damned if you don’t in Philadelphia. I think everyone should stop complaining so much, stop finger pointing, and clean the sand out of their vagina’s. Life (and skateboarding) is all about making the best with what you got.

  19. its all just magic tricks to make sure that street skateboarders have no where to go!!! ha ha ha… ha ha ha…. ha ha ha… (pooof!)

  20. Okay, haha, I get sarcasm, and I also understand TROLLING. Please everyone, grow up. No on eis gonna hand you anything. If you want something done, you have to DO IT YOURSELF! That’s why shit is happening at FDR right now, because people wanted to do shit. Look at last years bridge spot. I wanted a street spot to skate, so I participated in making it a reality. Too bad I fucked my ankle up and didn’t skate AT ALL last summer.

  21. But everyone sure enjoyed bridge spot. This year, I still wasn’t skating, so didn’t really need a street spot to skate. Look at bridge pot this year? NADA, NOTHING, ZERO! Stop hating that shit is getting done at FDR. Stop hating about the progress of planning a street plaza and comparing it to a funded pre-approved project. It doesn’t add up. Time will tell if shit is just smoke-in-mirrors. In the meantime, I’m gonna have fun on my skateboard. Nobody handed me a skatepark when I was a kid. I don’t expect one to be handed to me now.

  22. Fuckin’ right, Haveboard! I already said my peace about well-to-do Philly pros donating to SRSP. I’m also doing what I can for Downingtown, with help from J-Nim. Politics are slow. I’ll be at FDR tomrrow. I can’t donate money right now, but I can sure as fuck donate labour! Who wants to stack some rocks with me?

  23. …they just built another new skatepark in manhattan. i’ll post some photos of it soon. the gist — all street shit. flat rails, ledges, manuals, a small pyramid, and super smooth ground. it’s under the manhattan bridge — about 1 block from where the chinatown bus drops you off.

  24. oh where to begin…how about here… Once Upon A Nation is an initiative of Historic Philadelphia, Inc. (HPI). Historic Philadelphia, Inc. is a non-profit organization founded in 1994 by executive order of then-Mayor Edward G. Rendell. HPI works closely with Historic District stakeholders and the hospitality community to continue to build Philadelphia’s tourism industry into an engine for economic growth. ok, so this org has been working on revamping this park into a new park for over a decade, and the cost was way less. So shut up. I happen to go to school with one of the empoyees of the org who built it…so I know. not to be a dick, but check your facts before you post about it taking a few weeks, not the case in the least sense.

  25. Second…FDR is built because it is what it is, a renegade park. Want a ledge, go rent a truck, drive around the city and find some marble, grab that shit and find a horribly neglected site and install. Presto, your own ledge. basically, I am sick and tired of hearing about SRSP not getting built. If you want to learn about the progress and what is happening, I am more than available for positive intereaction. If you are going to doubt and question everything including myself, than basically quit skateboarding, excommunicate yourself from the scene and take up an organized sport where everything is handed to you, because big business wants to sponsor and support activities that create more confroming people to work in their offices…i would appreciate it, thanks

  26. Third, as for SRSP not being further along, how much further would you expect it to be? We have the site, the design, the support of the community (not the skaters surprisingly) and momentum. The one thing we do not have is the funds to complete a massive capital improvement project spanning 2 acres of the most valauable land in Fairmount Park. and don’t get me started on why it costs so much. nuff siad, come dig or shut up….got a question, you know where to find me, at FDR skating and not bitching and complaining. Come introduce yourself!

  27. Cost of a full plaza — umpteen millions. cost of a granite ledge — probably less than 1000. yup, these numbers check all right. it seems like the best bet on getting a street spot is to get the city to give us a shitty spot and just give us permission to git r dun. not to take anything from SRSP or the people who have worked on it for so long but maybe a “satelite park” could be accomplished in the meantime.

  28. No one wanted to put the effort towards bridge spot this year. There is a spot designated for renegade street building, and unfortunately it’s whitehall. I wish everyone would stop acting like they are being shafted in some way because they don’t have a ledge a block from their house.

  29. …we built ledges last year, and that new public park on 6th and Race is still wack. that’s a fact.

  30. i just got heated about street spots in philly b/c i know there aren’t any. sorry for creating such a ruckus. the next time i need an estimate on a full scale urban plaza, or marble bench i’ll contact mr. stein first to make sure that my fabricated numbers are more correct. THANKS.

  31. zo- i heard they got a mini golf course! cant front on that. who dont like a lil putt-putt now and again?

  32. I think bridge spot didn’t get done this year because everyone is sick of putting time into something that nobody is really appreciative of and that is guaranteed to get torn down by october. bradical, I don’t think anyone is doubting you directly. Your talking about skateboarders here, there is little if any trust for the government, be it local or federal. The same distrust probably applies to most companies that work either with or for the government, non-profits included. Few people here have any inside knowledge of what’s going on with SRSP, and since they don’t hear or see anything getting done they assume nothing is being done at all. Whether or not that is a fair assessment I don’t know. And to finish it all off I agree with Zo, that park is wack.

  33. I beg to differ about bridge spot. That is a pretty lame excuse for why there is no bridge spot this year. “everyone is sick of putting time into something that nobody is really appreciative of…” I call BULLSHIT! The same people that kept bridge spot a mess last year are the same people that didn’t lift a finger, this year and last year. They are the same people to expect someone else to hand them their renegade ledge spot.

  34. and behold they are the same people talking shit about something they know nothing about because they are too busy bitching and not trying to get involved….I wish FP had enough skaters behind the effort to have regular PR updates so everyone can have plenty to talk shit about how they dont like this or dont like that. You kinda get fed up with keeping everyone updated when all they do is BITCH and COMPLAIN.

  35. SAN was/is all talk and no action. maybe they should make another brocuhre, or something. free love park…yeah…that’s the ticket.

  36. …also you know that if i still lived in philly i’d be down there digging….all i got is excuses.

  37. Gonzo, you quit SAN. You are also still friends with all of us who ARE a part of SAN. Why say shit like that? If you think cheap shots on the internet are what it takes to get people to do stuff, you are far from the truth. Keep believing what you want to believe. SAN did build the ledge at whitehall. The concrete one(which everone told me would be too big, but it isn’t) and the wooden up-ledge. SAN also had another great year with the ‘Gear For Groms’ program. It’s frustrating, but unfortunately, it’s a slow road when you play by the rules. Read Your Neck, Gonzo, stop taking cheap shots!

  38. Can’t we all just get along Island Iced Tea? Aren’t we all trying to achieve the same thing? Do I have to say everything in the form of a question? Seriously, those of us who give a shit actually do something. Those who don’t have no excuse. If I lived in the area, I’d even build some temporary shit at shit spot. “This isn’t meant to last. This is for right now.” There. There’s a NIN lyric that applies directly to Shit Spot. Isn’t temporary shit always a blast, anyway?

  39. Stamos, what have you done for skateboarding lately? Gonzo… dude, why are you talkin so bad on san? You were on the board and you quit, not try to help, quit. Becaues you were frustrated? San was started because of LOVE and that FREE LOVE PARK thing is only known all around the world, cant say that for any new renegade street spots in NYC. I agree with haveboard, its sorta hurts that you pull this shit on the internet. SAN and FPSF is like the same 10 dudes trying to make shit happen for like hundreds of bitchy skaters. We miss you round here but dont throw shit across the river at us. We like our lazy philly… FPSF and SAN need to make updates to the community a priority. I know Haveboard has been trying really hard to push that to happen, and it will.

  40. They should make shirts, available to anyone, you know, buy it now, that say, VIVA CARLOS. A modern day thoreau. Where is murph with the duty now interview?

  41. Maybe not more than you’d ever do in 3 lifetimes but more than you’ll ever know because I don’t tell people. Unless they have beer and I want one. hahaha

  42. yeah….seems to be getting old now… and we still need money all you lurkers who skate but dont help…do your duty

  43. Everybody should ask people for money or to help out. Give em an attitude. If everybody does it they’ll either help out or leave an never come back.

  44. what the fuck. i can’t believe all the shit on this link. if ALL of you fuckers redirected the time spent nerding out verbally on this box on actually DOING SOMETHING… if i can quote nas “why shoot the breeze about it, when you can be about it.” all ya’ll nerdbombs pick up a shovel, ask how you can help with SRSP, or shut the fuck up and skate.

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