I hope he doesn’t get any puke on those sweet sneaks. It’s bad enough someone already defaced them.
The thing I like about Anti-hero is that they don’t run around telling you what to buy and what not to buy. They’re just Anti-hero. This Consolidated war against corporations trying to take over skateboarding (mostly NIKE) is making me sick of Consolidated. Sorry, but whatever happen to making sick vids like the one of Scott Bourne and Jackson driving arcoss country.
who needs brand loyalty. “who cares about cults” – Jerri Blank
I’m in agreement with Cookout. Get over it so-called-army.
cmon, nike? I remember how lame those ads were in 95′. Why do they deserve to be the #1 shoe brand? What park did they pay for? What have they done for skateboarding? Those new ads will all the quater pipes and rails are just flat out lame. Puke all over those trashy shoes.
isn’t every skate company is a corporation? it’s a catch 22.
Any company is a company… dua. Where in this string of conversation is someone saying that “companies suck”?What stinks is when companies that don’t have the interest of skateboarding in mind make lots of money off of skateboarding. If a company is super huge and great for the skate community, who can complain about that? Tony hawk for instance does a lot for skateboarding with the Tony Hawk Fund. Now Bam and his sponsors, well I hope they step up at some point. Does anyone else remember that Tim G. article in Focus? Does anyone have an update about that? I for one am lost.
I’m not FOR nike…OR against. Consolidated has fallen off, lost a bunch of sick riders, and seems to me to be using the nike hating as a marketing position. I’m not playing along. Nike or no nike…I want the old Consolidated vids on DVD. Viva Hamburger Jr.!
I love the Nike conversation…we have it so often.
I agree that Consolidated has fallen off. They are preaching so much that i forgot that they even make boards… It seems like the only boards they make now are message boards. I just bought a pair of Nikes a few weeks ago and my loyalty to skateboarding doesnt feel lessened at all. At least Nike runs skate ads…instead of a hate campaign.. Im changing Consolidated into Cantsellithateit.
Good points about consolidated… what is up with the team? I could care less what people wear.
honorable mentions: Jackson Taylor. Alan Peterson. Scott Bourne (Minus those ambiguously gay Puma ads) …… Why doesnt Consolihatred put their focus back on those dudes? And what the hell is up with Steve Bailey? That guy is awesome…. I think when they were referring to their ” Dont Do It ” campaign…they were talking about not running ads of their riders anymore.
Trust me, I have that focus article memorized, but then I thought about it, why should bam give away his money? I mean really, he has no obligation to do so.
No one is saying he should give it all away. Just use some of it to help the skateboarding community. I know if he donated to one of the local skateboard non-profits it would be a sweet tax write off. And I’m sure with his income level write offs help a lot. I would say he should do public promotion to try and help the local skateboard community…but I’m not sure he would be the right person to represent everyone considering he gets paid to act like a douche bag.
Why my banana?
I wish we had a “Why Bam Should Help FDR” thread. Why should Bam give his money away? How about this, why shold anyone?
Yes, only give me away to purchase material goods!
i just shit my pants… speaking of shit, remember when Dave Carney took a shit in and on a pair of Nikes in that issue of Big Brother? Dave Carney rules.
bam has given to FDR in the past…what have you given? one of his boys siad that ‘ish….I am not defending, but we need more man power than money (not to say we dont need money but…)
DO, your so involved and interested (on this site), why have I never seen, spoken to, heard of/from or seen you getting dirty at the park to build a bowl. And for the record, we’re all busy….seriously, not to be a dick…
That’s great that Bam has given in the past, I was obviously unaware of that fact. You asked what I’ve given and I’ve given nothing, zip, zilch, nada. Not to be a dick but I don’t ever skate at FDR so why should I put my hard earned money towards it? I’d rather put my money towards things that I enjoy.
..putting out money to “Hate” on a SHOE? discussing why? other people havin doe from fuckin ventures ? discussin they’re bullshit and not worryin about ones self? some where in the middle of this short feud i began writing some lyrics……yall want me to rap again? discuss that why dont cha….or maybe forget about shoes, anothers morals, and my lyrics…..and lets bomb a hill, im grabbin my termite out the buick, yall gonna join me? MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY!!!!!
another vanacular mess….courtesy of fred durst…. bottom line is this…..that Consolidated ad sucks…
I have asked myself the same questions. Whatever you might think, I do appreciate everything that gets build for skating. Last friday I was envious of the guys I saw pouring and painting down there. (Jorge needs a belt!) I’ve made contributions to a variety of projects in the past, not necessarily around this area, but still, I feel that they are notable. http://static.flickr.com/84/224545630_902ba2f117.jpg
Death to all brands! Death to my friends! Somebody was telling me about this thing Mr. T did in the 80s that encouraged kids to make their own clothes and write their names on them instead of wearing someone else’s name (tommy hillfigure, donna Karrin, etc). While that idea has some serrious flaws for childeren it would work fine as long as you won’t be fooled into getting in to a kidnapper van.
Ki, that ad rules… it got attention, thats more the I can say for most other ads that look the same. Nike ads, as I said before are so lame. Watching a guy photoshopped into a backdrop of quaterpipes and stop signs is about as lame as it gets. I am way more stoked on real skateboarding then studio work shots. Nike does have an amazing team though. Today I hate nike cause its cool for uncool people to hate on cool people stuff. Im gonna eat more tacos.
I just got an email from a distributor asking if Minnow wants to carry those shoes. They are actually not a joke!!! Does anyone want to pre-order a few pairs? Im waiting to hear back on the price.
I’m down for a pair.
I doubt that ad really gets any attention at all in the real “market”. The average kid who skates today probabaly sees a consolidated ad and thinks to themselves “who the fuck is consolidated, who rides for them”. The ad itself is absolutely horrible. Some random dude that no one knows puking on the ground and something to do with the Andy Warhol banana. What the fuck is that? The ad obviously gets some attention here on haveboard.com because we’ve only had this same argument like 90 times before. Tacos do sound good though, might have to hit the fire for lunch.
I just called and got the skinny. They will be about $70 at the shop. We might sell them cheaper because we are cool like that. They will be in Minnow in mid October. I need to pre-order what I want with sizes today. So if you want in email me your size at: bri@skatenerd.com. Maybe each pair shoe will come with a special run limited edition Nerd swosh shirt.
who needs the real market when youve got ebay! soft or crunchy?
“So here is the plan. We’re going to bash a bigger company to gain some attention. Then we’re going to blatently rip off one of their best products, slap a banana on it….yes that’s right I said a banana. Then we’re going to take our ripped off product and sell to make money for ourselves. Ok who’s with me!”
“im in!”
The hypocrisy is killin me.
I think we’re missing the BIGGER point here, and that is that the fucking Pol’s are taking over our sport!! S-K-Y this and S-K-I that…I’m fed up. Who’s with me? Szafranski, Zelinsky, Bachinsky…howey!
Explain the Hypocrisy. Consolidated is still promoting the DIY attitude within our market. Yes, we as skateboarders ARE a market. Nike has paid plenty of good people good money to design shoes for the SB line, and gave shops the opportunity to utilize the general sneaker market to grow their skateshop, therefore supporting the scene. So, I’m on the fence about all this. In the same respect, I’m willing to pay retail on a skate product due to their hard stance on keeping the skateboard industry our own. It’s a double edge sword. But, at this point, I’ll pay retail for Consolidated Nike RipOffs, but will wear a pair of Nikes if they were given to me. I don’t think I’d pay retail for them though.
Fuck tacos, I heard all tacos are made by nike these days.
Do I really need to explain the hypocrisy of bashing a company yet copying their products in order to make money for yourself. Which will in turn give you more money to bash said company with…while you continue to steal their ideas and products. I thought the hypocrisy in that was pretty damn obvious. I totally agree with you about Nike paying people good money and giving shops the opportunity actually make some money themselves. That is good for skateboarding no matter what you think of Nike.
Rip-Offs have always been around in skateboarding. It isn’t hipocritical, since Consolidated has been part of the skate industry even when no one cared about it. Buy our product instead of the company that is infiltrating your lifestyle and culture. Seems brilliant, in my opinion.
If you see the Consolidated dunk rip offs as hypocritical, you are missing the point. Consolidated doesn’t necessarily have a problem with Nike’s products, they have a problem with them stepping in and capitalizing on the current popularity of skateboarding. It doesn’t seem that Consolidated is looking to make a lot of money off of these shoes as much as they are looking to make a point, as they are being made and sold in small qunatities. Atleast that is what it seems like from the previous posts about pre-ordering them. Also, what do you consider the “real market?” Wouldn’t skateboarders be considered the market for a skateboard company ad? It seems to be getting enough attention from skateboarders to me. And Ki, your writing pains me.
M hit the nail on the head, in my opinion. About Nike AND Ki…….ZING! Ki really has been overly cockey lately.
Rip offs are awesome! You know I hate your site so much that I’m gonna start this new web-site called “Have shoes will walk (and occasionally run)”. And the layout and color scheme I came up with look exactly like your site (go figure). I feel like the dudes on the Guiness commercials…Brilliant! But its all good cause I’ve been designing web-sites since before the dot-com crash and before people realized that having a web-site was an important part of running a business. So because of those odd and out of place credentials it’s not hypocritical of me to steal your idea and use it as my own. You know what’s really brilliant? Originality and creativity. Both of which Consolidated seem to be lacking heavily in.
Who said Consolidated is making the shoes in small quantities? I mean I’m sure they are, but only because they have a small market to sell them to. If they could make them and sell them in large quantities you better believe they would in a heart beat. You are absolutely right, skateboarders are the “real market” for a skateboarding ad. I guarantee that if you go to a spot or park and ask the kids/skaters there to name some Consolidated riders you might find 1 in 10-15 kids who can. I’m also willing to be that at least 1 in 10-15 would say “who the fuck is consolidated”. And I agree Ki is very cocky lately….but he makes me laugh with some of the shit he says so it’s all good.
Don’t do it could be applied to the concept of the male coin slot as well: Buttock cleavage is minor exposure of the buttocks and the anal cleft between them, often because of low slung trousers, dreadlocks, and/or lack of a belt. Historically the “coin slot” (or “builder’s bum”) has been associated with overweight plumbers However, such cleavage has also been portrayed as attractive, in respect to slim women. In the 1999 comedy film Wild Wild West, Salma Hayek’s character has a gap in the back of her clothes that reveals her cleavage, which the male characters see. Moreover, in the early 2000s it became fashionable for young women to expose their undergarments and buttocks in this way. [2] [3]
Brandon, your head is in the clouds, and your analogy is completely incorrect, but I obviously can’t make you understand something you don’t want to. Stop trying to justify your closet full of Nikes, and all the money you have given to that brand over the years. It’s okay, we don’t hate you for it.
Cocky? Nope. Just confident on my stance on things. I dont foster anyone when it comes to how i feel because I speak truth. I refuse to bite my tongue because Haveboard doesnt want to share his precious little soapbox. Thats lame. When comes down to it, I feel i have more than earned the right to post here. Scrutiny? Its whatever. I deal with it everyday. Anyone on here knows id show them love on the street. Too bad on here everyone (including myself) has their skate “political” stance.
I got nothing but love for ya, Ki. Especially when you proved my point about being cockey when you typed “because I speak truth”. You just compared your opinion to truth, which is BEYOND cockey. Just Sayin’
HAVEBOARD. I am not here to steal your thunder. I am just laying my opinion down like anyone else. If you dont like it approach me on some street shit… And bring Nugget too… We can settle this like men and have a taco eating contest right at Minnow. Winner gets Haveboard bragging rights and bucket of the colonel’s golden goodness. Whose down?
08.30 – haveboard Okay, trash talk on HB happens, but I’m not really trying to promoting it as such. None of you aren’t doing the English language any favors either.
Ok..i DID sound like a complete asshole when i said i speak the truth. I meant to say i speak my mind. You got me hard on that one. But to be totally honest… this whole thread is stupid.. bottom line is….. People are as loyal as their options. As far as the Great Taco Standoff 06, i WILL be victorious. Oh and Dfiant can come too… Everyone put away their opinions for a second and realize that we are all grown men arguing about something we have no real say in… Its kind of humbling.
Dan, why do you get a hard on from trolling about a fucking typo.
Ki, no beef. for real. I kid when I say I’m gonna block you from the site. Just try and write more as if it were your opinion, and not that it is the end all be all TRUTH, just because you think it is.
“None of you”, it says “none of you” so if you opt to take that personally then there is nothing I can do. As to whether or not your typographical adventures are, to me, arousing I have to say, “no”, they aren’t. It’s just goofing around. You say you aren’t promoting it, and then bam, you actually engage in shit talking in the next sentence. I will stop trolling now. My boner has softened.
I took it personally when you copied and pasted what I hastily posted on skatenerd. And, as I re-read that, “None of you aren’t” is a wonderfully written double negative.
Haveboard i dont think… I KNOW KFC makes the best chicken in the world… Thats not opinion.. its fact… I compromise that belief for no one… All the other stuff is just based on the fact that i read at least 7 different skate mags a month… So my judgement might be a tad biased…
even though i wear some nikes i still think the add is funny. it looks more like a joke to me
lol lol lol lol… Ki, why the hell did you drag me into this? I just spent the past 30 min catching up on the posts and realized that everyone was calling you out and I wasn’t. Oh wait, unless you’re talking about a taco eating contest, in which your on and it will happen at Minnow… Im over this thread, I cant stomach to read any more of it. If you want a pair of those vomit shoes contact me in october and I will let you know if they exist.
Yeah, this thread is getting old….But, do you think these shoes will accidentally get bought on Ebay by overzealous Asian men???
All of you who are standing up for nike are missing the point entirely, look at how Nike opperates, they dont EVER just make shoes… Take golf for example, they made golf shoes, ok fair enough… than what? They Make golf bags, towels, balls, CLUB SETS. So stand up for Nike now, but when your local skateshop closes down, and REAL skateboarders who own REAL skateshops are losing thier job because Nike has boards in ever sporting good store imaginable, and little 12 year old girls are wearing dunks, where will your credibility be than?? Everything is a rip off now a days, EVERYTHING. Look at the exposure consolidated has allready got from all of us sitting on here arguing about it, there is no such thing as bad publicity. the end
whats happening to consolidated… stop hating on nike.. nike sb only has accounts with skateshops, plus theyve been helping the skateboard community by opening up skateparks.. just ask anyone in portland.
You guys are a bunch of idiots, You say Nike SB is only in skateshops, true..but then they roll out Nike 6.0 and spend 10X the money promoting it towards skateboarders/snowboarders etc. as they did with SB and they put the Nike 6.0 Dunks etc at every gay ass shoe shop including discount chains etc. Nike basically stabbed al the shops in the back, because shops can only get a dozen or 2 pairs of dunks every month or so but Pac-Sun has unlimited supply of 6.0 Dunks…. Nike won’t stop with shoes, they will start making decks, wheels, trucks etc and sell them at every Dick’s. Sports Auth. Kmart, they can and in effect put all the indy skateshops out of business which will leave all the skaters chilling at Walmart watching skate videos and meeting up w/ friends to go session…I can’t wait to see the Wal-Mart shop video and attend the Dicks sports video premiers…I wonder if Footlocker will be sponsoring local skaters??
Nike SB only has accounts with skateshops? Ha. NOt exactly.
Man, this stuff is getting good. I appreciate all the opinion on here. Keep it coming.
Oh I forgot, Nike don’t just sell SB to skateshops they also sell them to Supreme… ohh, by the way, I guess Toys R Us are accepting sponsor tapes, that’d be dope to get on that team..
by the way, I think this is just what skateboarding needs, Ever since Rocco disappeared the skateboard industry has gotten too big for it’s britches and neds to come back down to reality…I think Birdo is the man we need at this time to kick skateboarding in the nuts!
What, nobody can respond to my intelligent posts… I guess you morons feed off other morons that don’t have a clue to whatthe fuck they are talking about.
I just thought the topic was getting exhausted. I’m out skating.
coporate whores rule your life…get used to it
All about Image man…Eventually that drunk image turns on you and ruins your career
I hope he doesn’t get any puke on those sweet sneaks. It’s bad enough someone already defaced them.
The thing I like about Anti-hero is that they don’t run around telling you what to buy and what not to buy. They’re just Anti-hero. This Consolidated war against corporations trying to take over skateboarding (mostly NIKE) is making me sick of Consolidated. Sorry, but whatever happen to making sick vids like the one of Scott Bourne and Jackson driving arcoss country.
who needs brand loyalty. “who cares about cults” – Jerri Blank
I’m in agreement with Cookout. Get over it so-called-army.
cmon, nike? I remember how lame those ads were in 95′. Why do they deserve to be the #1 shoe brand? What park did they pay for? What have they done for skateboarding? Those new ads will all the quater pipes and rails are just flat out lame. Puke all over those trashy shoes.
isn’t every skate company is a corporation? it’s a catch 22.
Any company is a company… dua. Where in this string of conversation is someone saying that “companies suck”?What stinks is when companies that don’t have the interest of skateboarding in mind make lots of money off of skateboarding. If a company is super huge and great for the skate community, who can complain about that? Tony hawk for instance does a lot for skateboarding with the Tony Hawk Fund. Now Bam and his sponsors, well I hope they step up at some point. Does anyone else remember that Tim G. article in Focus? Does anyone have an update about that? I for one am lost.
I’m not FOR nike…OR against. Consolidated has fallen off, lost a bunch of sick riders, and seems to me to be using the nike hating as a marketing position. I’m not playing along. Nike or no nike…I want the old Consolidated vids on DVD. Viva Hamburger Jr.!
I love the Nike conversation…we have it so often.
I agree that Consolidated has fallen off. They are preaching so much that i forgot that they even make boards… It seems like the only boards they make now are message boards. I just bought a pair of Nikes a few weeks ago and my loyalty to skateboarding doesnt feel lessened at all. At least Nike runs skate ads…instead of a hate campaign.. Im changing Consolidated into Cantsellithateit.
Good points about consolidated… what is up with the team? I could care less what people wear.
honorable mentions: Jackson Taylor. Alan Peterson. Scott Bourne (Minus those ambiguously gay Puma ads) …… Why doesnt Consolihatred put their focus back on those dudes? And what the hell is up with Steve Bailey? That guy is awesome…. I think when they were referring to their ” Dont Do It ” campaign…they were talking about not running ads of their riders anymore.
Trust me, I have that focus article memorized, but then I thought about it, why should bam give away his money? I mean really, he has no obligation to do so.
No one is saying he should give it all away. Just use some of it to help the skateboarding community. I know if he donated to one of the local skateboard non-profits it would be a sweet tax write off. And I’m sure with his income level write offs help a lot. I would say he should do public promotion to try and help the local skateboard community…but I’m not sure he would be the right person to represent everyone considering he gets paid to act like a douche bag.
Why my banana?
I wish we had a “Why Bam Should Help FDR” thread. Why should Bam give his money away? How about this, why shold anyone?
Yes, only give me away to purchase material goods!
i just shit my pants… speaking of shit, remember when Dave Carney took a shit in and on a pair of Nikes in that issue of Big Brother? Dave Carney rules.
bam has given to FDR in the past…what have you given? one of his boys siad that ‘ish….I am not defending, but we need more man power than money (not to say we dont need money but…)
DO, your so involved and interested (on this site), why have I never seen, spoken to, heard of/from or seen you getting dirty at the park to build a bowl. And for the record, we’re all busy….seriously, not to be a dick…
That’s great that Bam has given in the past, I was obviously unaware of that fact. You asked what I’ve given and I’ve given nothing, zip, zilch, nada. Not to be a dick but I don’t ever skate at FDR so why should I put my hard earned money towards it? I’d rather put my money towards things that I enjoy.
..putting out money to “Hate” on a SHOE? discussing why? other people havin doe from fuckin ventures ? discussin they’re bullshit and not worryin about ones self? some where in the middle of this short feud i began writing some lyrics……yall want me to rap again? discuss that why dont cha….or maybe forget about shoes, anothers morals, and my lyrics…..and lets bomb a hill, im grabbin my termite out the buick, yall gonna join me? MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY!!!!!
another vanacular mess….courtesy of fred durst…. bottom line is this…..that Consolidated ad sucks…
I have asked myself the same questions. Whatever you might think, I do appreciate everything that gets build for skating. Last friday I was envious of the guys I saw pouring and painting down there. (Jorge needs a belt!) I’ve made contributions to a variety of projects in the past, not necessarily around this area, but still, I feel that they are notable. http://static.flickr.com/84/224545630_902ba2f117.jpg
Death to all brands! Death to my friends! Somebody was telling me about this thing Mr. T did in the 80s that encouraged kids to make their own clothes and write their names on them instead of wearing someone else’s name (tommy hillfigure, donna Karrin, etc). While that idea has some serrious flaws for childeren it would work fine as long as you won’t be fooled into getting in to a kidnapper van.
I helped with this one too, I wish I could get closer to its actual location. http://static.flickr.com/88/229153325_cbd4fe9492.jpg
Ki, that ad rules… it got attention, thats more the I can say for most other ads that look the same. Nike ads, as I said before are so lame. Watching a guy photoshopped into a backdrop of quaterpipes and stop signs is about as lame as it gets. I am way more stoked on real skateboarding then studio work shots. Nike does have an amazing team though. Today I hate nike cause its cool for uncool people to hate on cool people stuff. Im gonna eat more tacos.
I just got an email from a distributor asking if Minnow wants to carry those shoes. They are actually not a joke!!! Does anyone want to pre-order a few pairs? Im waiting to hear back on the price.
I’m down for a pair.
I doubt that ad really gets any attention at all in the real “market”. The average kid who skates today probabaly sees a consolidated ad and thinks to themselves “who the fuck is consolidated, who rides for them”. The ad itself is absolutely horrible. Some random dude that no one knows puking on the ground and something to do with the Andy Warhol banana. What the fuck is that? The ad obviously gets some attention here on haveboard.com because we’ve only had this same argument like 90 times before. Tacos do sound good though, might have to hit the fire for lunch.
I just called and got the skinny. They will be about $70 at the shop. We might sell them cheaper because we are cool like that. They will be in Minnow in mid October. I need to pre-order what I want with sizes today. So if you want in email me your size at: bri@skatenerd.com. Maybe each pair shoe will come with a special run limited edition Nerd swosh shirt.
who needs the real market when youve got ebay! soft or crunchy?
“So here is the plan. We’re going to bash a bigger company to gain some attention. Then we’re going to blatently rip off one of their best products, slap a banana on it….yes that’s right I said a banana. Then we’re going to take our ripped off product and sell to make money for ourselves. Ok who’s with me!”
“im in!”
The hypocrisy is killin me.
I think we’re missing the BIGGER point here, and that is that the fucking Pol’s are taking over our sport!! S-K-Y this and S-K-I that…I’m fed up. Who’s with me? Szafranski, Zelinsky, Bachinsky…howey!
Explain the Hypocrisy. Consolidated is still promoting the DIY attitude within our market. Yes, we as skateboarders ARE a market. Nike has paid plenty of good people good money to design shoes for the SB line, and gave shops the opportunity to utilize the general sneaker market to grow their skateshop, therefore supporting the scene. So, I’m on the fence about all this. In the same respect, I’m willing to pay retail on a skate product due to their hard stance on keeping the skateboard industry our own. It’s a double edge sword. But, at this point, I’ll pay retail for Consolidated Nike RipOffs, but will wear a pair of Nikes if they were given to me. I don’t think I’d pay retail for them though.
Fuck tacos, I heard all tacos are made by nike these days.
Do I really need to explain the hypocrisy of bashing a company yet copying their products in order to make money for yourself. Which will in turn give you more money to bash said company with…while you continue to steal their ideas and products. I thought the hypocrisy in that was pretty damn obvious. I totally agree with you about Nike paying people good money and giving shops the opportunity actually make some money themselves. That is good for skateboarding no matter what you think of Nike.
Rip-Offs have always been around in skateboarding. It isn’t hipocritical, since Consolidated has been part of the skate industry even when no one cared about it. Buy our product instead of the company that is infiltrating your lifestyle and culture. Seems brilliant, in my opinion.
If you see the Consolidated dunk rip offs as hypocritical, you are missing the point. Consolidated doesn’t necessarily have a problem with Nike’s products, they have a problem with them stepping in and capitalizing on the current popularity of skateboarding. It doesn’t seem that Consolidated is looking to make a lot of money off of these shoes as much as they are looking to make a point, as they are being made and sold in small qunatities. Atleast that is what it seems like from the previous posts about pre-ordering them. Also, what do you consider the “real market?” Wouldn’t skateboarders be considered the market for a skateboard company ad? It seems to be getting enough attention from skateboarders to me. And Ki, your writing pains me.
M hit the nail on the head, in my opinion. About Nike AND Ki…….ZING! Ki really has been overly cockey lately.
Rip offs are awesome! You know I hate your site so much that I’m gonna start this new web-site called “Have shoes will walk (and occasionally run)”. And the layout and color scheme I came up with look exactly like your site (go figure). I feel like the dudes on the Guiness commercials…Brilliant! But its all good cause I’ve been designing web-sites since before the dot-com crash and before people realized that having a web-site was an important part of running a business. So because of those odd and out of place credentials it’s not hypocritical of me to steal your idea and use it as my own. You know what’s really brilliant? Originality and creativity. Both of which Consolidated seem to be lacking heavily in.
Who said Consolidated is making the shoes in small quantities? I mean I’m sure they are, but only because they have a small market to sell them to. If they could make them and sell them in large quantities you better believe they would in a heart beat. You are absolutely right, skateboarders are the “real market” for a skateboarding ad. I guarantee that if you go to a spot or park and ask the kids/skaters there to name some Consolidated riders you might find 1 in 10-15 kids who can. I’m also willing to be that at least 1 in 10-15 would say “who the fuck is consolidated”. And I agree Ki is very cocky lately….but he makes me laugh with some of the shit he says so it’s all good.
Don’t do it could be applied to the concept of the male coin slot as well: Buttock cleavage is minor exposure of the buttocks and the anal cleft between them, often because of low slung trousers, dreadlocks, and/or lack of a belt. Historically the “coin slot” (or “builder’s bum”) has been associated with overweight plumbers However, such cleavage has also been portrayed as attractive, in respect to slim women. In the 1999 comedy film Wild Wild West, Salma Hayek’s character has a gap in the back of her clothes that reveals her cleavage, which the male characters see. Moreover, in the early 2000s it became fashionable for young women to expose their undergarments and buttocks in this way. [2] [3]
Brandon, your head is in the clouds, and your analogy is completely incorrect, but I obviously can’t make you understand something you don’t want to. Stop trying to justify your closet full of Nikes, and all the money you have given to that brand over the years. It’s okay, we don’t hate you for it.
Cocky? Nope. Just confident on my stance on things. I dont foster anyone when it comes to how i feel because I speak truth. I refuse to bite my tongue because Haveboard doesnt want to share his precious little soapbox. Thats lame. When comes down to it, I feel i have more than earned the right to post here. Scrutiny? Its whatever. I deal with it everyday. Anyone on here knows id show them love on the street. Too bad on here everyone (including myself) has their skate “political” stance.
I got nothing but love for ya, Ki. Especially when you proved my point about being cockey when you typed “because I speak truth”. You just compared your opinion to truth, which is BEYOND cockey. Just Sayin’
HAVEBOARD. I am not here to steal your thunder. I am just laying my opinion down like anyone else. If you dont like it approach me on some street shit… And bring Nugget too… We can settle this like men and have a taco eating contest right at Minnow. Winner gets Haveboard bragging rights and bucket of the colonel’s golden goodness. Whose down?
08.30 – haveboard Okay, trash talk on HB happens, but I’m not really trying to promoting it as such. None of you aren’t doing the English language any favors either.
Ok..i DID sound like a complete asshole when i said i speak the truth. I meant to say i speak my mind. You got me hard on that one. But to be totally honest… this whole thread is stupid.. bottom line is….. People are as loyal as their options. As far as the Great Taco Standoff 06, i WILL be victorious. Oh and Dfiant can come too… Everyone put away their opinions for a second and realize that we are all grown men arguing about something we have no real say in… Its kind of humbling.
Dan, why do you get a hard on from trolling about a fucking typo.
Ki, no beef. for real. I kid when I say I’m gonna block you from the site. Just try and write more as if it were your opinion, and not that it is the end all be all TRUTH, just because you think it is.
“None of you”, it says “none of you” so if you opt to take that personally then there is nothing I can do. As to whether or not your typographical adventures are, to me, arousing I have to say, “no”, they aren’t. It’s just goofing around. You say you aren’t promoting it, and then bam, you actually engage in shit talking in the next sentence. I will stop trolling now. My boner has softened.
I took it personally when you copied and pasted what I hastily posted on skatenerd. And, as I re-read that, “None of you aren’t” is a wonderfully written double negative.
Haveboard i dont think… I KNOW KFC makes the best chicken in the world… Thats not opinion.. its fact… I compromise that belief for no one… All the other stuff is just based on the fact that i read at least 7 different skate mags a month… So my judgement might be a tad biased…
even though i wear some nikes i still think the add is funny. it looks more like a joke to me
lol lol lol lol… Ki, why the hell did you drag me into this? I just spent the past 30 min catching up on the posts and realized that everyone was calling you out and I wasn’t. Oh wait, unless you’re talking about a taco eating contest, in which your on and it will happen at Minnow… Im over this thread, I cant stomach to read any more of it. If you want a pair of those vomit shoes contact me in october and I will let you know if they exist.
Yeah, this thread is getting old….But, do you think these shoes will accidentally get bought on Ebay by overzealous Asian men???
All of you who are standing up for nike are missing the point entirely, look at how Nike opperates, they dont EVER just make shoes… Take golf for example, they made golf shoes, ok fair enough… than what? They Make golf bags, towels, balls, CLUB SETS. So stand up for Nike now, but when your local skateshop closes down, and REAL skateboarders who own REAL skateshops are losing thier job because Nike has boards in ever sporting good store imaginable, and little 12 year old girls are wearing dunks, where will your credibility be than?? Everything is a rip off now a days, EVERYTHING. Look at the exposure consolidated has allready got from all of us sitting on here arguing about it, there is no such thing as bad publicity. the end
whats happening to consolidated… stop hating on nike.. nike sb only has accounts with skateshops, plus theyve been helping the skateboard community by opening up skateparks.. just ask anyone in portland.
You guys are a bunch of idiots, You say Nike SB is only in skateshops, true..but then they roll out Nike 6.0 and spend 10X the money promoting it towards skateboarders/snowboarders etc. as they did with SB and they put the Nike 6.0 Dunks etc at every gay ass shoe shop including discount chains etc. Nike basically stabbed al the shops in the back, because shops can only get a dozen or 2 pairs of dunks every month or so but Pac-Sun has unlimited supply of 6.0 Dunks…. Nike won’t stop with shoes, they will start making decks, wheels, trucks etc and sell them at every Dick’s. Sports Auth. Kmart, they can and in effect put all the indy skateshops out of business which will leave all the skaters chilling at Walmart watching skate videos and meeting up w/ friends to go session…I can’t wait to see the Wal-Mart shop video and attend the Dicks sports video premiers…I wonder if Footlocker will be sponsoring local skaters??
Nike SB only has accounts with skateshops? Ha. NOt exactly.
Man, this stuff is getting good. I appreciate all the opinion on here. Keep it coming.
Oh I forgot, Nike don’t just sell SB to skateshops they also sell them to Supreme… ohh, by the way, I guess Toys R Us are accepting sponsor tapes, that’d be dope to get on that team..
by the way, I think this is just what skateboarding needs, Ever since Rocco disappeared the skateboard industry has gotten too big for it’s britches and neds to come back down to reality…I think Birdo is the man we need at this time to kick skateboarding in the nuts!
What, nobody can respond to my intelligent posts… I guess you morons feed off other morons that don’t have a clue to whatthe fuck they are talking about.
I just thought the topic was getting exhausted. I’m out skating.
Tap w00d Tap w00d