Epicly Dollin

2 thoughts on “Epicly Dollin

  1. I’m real interested to see how this Vice TV project works out. It seems like they’ve got some real awesome stuff and some stuff that needs a little work. The Baghdad feature is amazing. The Bulgaria thing was real crazy too. I hope O’Dell and the rest of the dudes get into the swing of things. The Dollin video was kindof a snooze fest.

    Anybody know if they are going to be an actual television station? Is that what this is building towards?

  2. Good set up for tv replacement. I had fun watching the other shows. However, I could not get episode 1 of the skate show to work. Episode 2 worked fine, he gets drunk and gets a tat in his ear. Pro model role models. I sure hope his paycheck is secure.

    So when is straight edge coming back?

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