for sale storeHaveboard / Hover Board tshirts now for sale! May 27, 2009 I hooked up the wordpress ecommerce jawn so I could pedal my shirts on here.
events newsNocturnal 9 Year Demo – June 7th May 26, 2009 There is a 9 year anniversary demo for Nocturnal coming up on June 7th. It
newsBill McRight Saturday T-Shirt May 26, 2009 I checked out a TShirt show at Sait March (~4th and South Street) this weekend speaks wisdom on the state of skateboarding. May 26, 2009 If you love skateboarding and want to make a career out of it, GREAT! But
eventsWarehouse Jam and Totally Deck Release Party May 26, 2009 Saturday June 13th 3:00-8:00 live sets from: McRad | PoPo | Superbuick DJ set by
newsNew WordPress Site is Live May 25, 2009 Welcome to, now powered by wordpress. You can now post much longer comments, like is going WORDPRESS! May 24, 2009 After running this site on a custom CMS since September 2004, I have finally decided
newsKinetic goes to China May 23, 2009 Kinetic went to China and posted a sick video from the trip featuring Brannon John,
newsDIY Backyard Pedro Style May 23, 2009 Bitchards sent me this picture via text of a work in progress. This is happening