news shit gearsFocus Skate Mag is Packing it up May 18, 2015 After 10 years and 60 issues of helping push east coast skating to the world Focus
news shit gearsWhat rock bottom is really like February 6, 2013 Nick Dompierre spills the beans in regards to his departure from Skateboarding.
news shit gearsESPN on skating in Philly October 30, 2012 ESPN has written an article regarding the proposed amendments to Bill 120534 that was recently put
news shit gears skateparksUpdate on granite at FDR October 14, 2012 Tyler Kline emailed me this photo of the granite blocks that are still left down
contests shit gears videoPRod wins Stop 3 of Street League and all I got were these Facebook wall posts July 18, 2012 The 3rd stop of this year’s Street League was won by PRod this past weekend
news shit gearsAnother Spot Bites the Dust July 17, 2012 There was a Fishtown fire early last week at Front Street just south of Girard
news shit gears videoJaya Bonderov, R.I.P. June 28, 2012 Update: Skate Daily linked this article today and wrote: …he was found next to his
art news shit gears submissionsClaes Oldenburg Does a 180 *Updated June 22, 2012 Hello, In light of recent events, I felt compelled to write the following, “Claes Oldenburg
art shit gearsOld and blurry skate photos June 14, 2012 Recently, I moved across the country, and in the process of doing that I found a box of old blurry skate photos. In keeping with the tradition of high quality mediocre content I am posting them here.
shit gears videoBam & Steve Fisher Tandem Kayak 100ft – Bam injured June 13, 2012 Bam recently plunged 100ft down a waterfall in a Kayak with Steve Fisher and the 700